
Minimalistički rituali (devocijske i magijske geste)

Potaknuta svojim ritualom za Yule, odlučila sam napisati ponešto o nečemu što bih ja nazvala minimalističkim ritualima tj. onim ritualima u kojima se nikakvi zvukovi ne proizvode te koji su u potpunosti ogoljeni od suvišnih elemenata (od ritualnog pribora pa do ukrasa). Ovakav se pristup ritualu donekle kosi sa svime što je napisano u knjigama pa i na ovom blogu jer se gotovo uvijek potiče dijalog s božanstvima, pojanje, pjevanje, bubnjanje i druge "zvučne" metode kako bi se podigla energije. Također se stalno spominje ritualni pribor, ukrasi, odora i još mnogo toga što biste "trebali" imati. No što napraviti kada niste u mogućnosti ništa od navedenog raditi, ili ako niste u mogućnosti nabaviti ni napraviti svoj pribor i druge potrepštine? Možda dijelite kuću s nekim pa ne smijete proizvoditi buku noću (ako radite ritual noću), ili pak želite održati ritual u tajnosti pa ne želite da vas itko čuje ili ometa. Može vam se čak dogoditi da vam riječi ne dolaze kada su potrebne, ili da vam nedostaje inspiracije za napisati ritual. Ako osjetite da se riječima naprosto ne možete izraziti kako treba u tom trenutku, onda se okrenite govoru tijela.

Govorom tijela šaljemo nesvjesne poruke ljudima oko sebe, a isto tako nesvjesno i primamo informacije iz okoline. Postoje nekakvi ustaljeni tjelesni "izrazi" na koje su ljudi naviknuti i čija značenja iščitavaju bez imalo truda i najčešće intuitivno, poput prekriženih ruku ("Ne diraj me"), prsta koji je naglo uperen u nekoga ("On je kriv!"), slijeganja ramenima ("Ne znam"), klimanja glavom ("Da") i tako dalje. Naravno, i ove geste variraju od kulture do kulture. Kako takve geste postoje i među općom populacijom, tako su se neke ustalile i u magijskoj i ritualnoj praksi. Upravo ću o tim nekim stalnim gestama u ovom postu pričati.

A što je s ritualnim priborom, odjećom, nakitom, ukrasima....? Pa to je sve nepotrebno i da se zamijeniti. Vaše tijelo je samo po sebi dovoljno da zamijenite ikoji važni dio ritualnog pribora, a što ne može tijelo, to može um. Nakit i ukrasi su ionako samo dodaci. Ako nemate ritualnu odjeću, možete raditi nagi (ako ste sami, ili čak u grupi ako ostali pristanu i ako vam nije neugodno), a možete koristiti bilo koju odjeću koju već imate a da je čista (iako se preporuča da se ona onda sačuva isključivo za rad u krugu).

Započela bih ovaj post s jednim pitanjem:

"Kako je moguće izvest minimalistički ritual?"

Mentalni rad je važan dio svakog rituala. Naš um je taj koji vizualizira sve što je potrebno, koji usmjerava energiju nekamo, koji nas odvlači u druga stanja svijesti te kojim stvaramo namjeru i cilj. Sve ostalo: riječi, teatralnost, oruđe, odjeća, dekoracije...to su sve dodatni elementi koji stvaraju ambijent i time imaju psihofizički učinak na praktičara. Naravno da svi ovi elementi olakšavaju tranzična stanja, pojačavaju opći dojam rituala i ostavljaju taj osjećaj da se zbiva nešto nesvakidašnje i posebno, no može se preživjeti i bez toga. 

Kao što sam već napomenula, vaše tijelo može zamijeniti gotovo sve, a što ne može tijelo, to može um.

Vodeći se prema klasičnoj formi rituala, prošla bih sve navedene segmente i istaknula kako se mogu modificirati tako da budu što minimalističniji.

Ritualni pribor

Oltar - zaista nije potreban. Ako radite ritual u prirodi, možete se koristiti bilo kojim panjem, a bez obzira gdje bili možete koristiti tlo na kojem stojite i za oltar i za krug u kojem ćete raditi obred. Uostalom, što će vam oltar ako nećete imati što na njega postaviti? :)

Sredstvo za označavanje kruga - bila to kreda ili užad, ono može poslužiti kada se radi o grupnim radovima gdje je potrebno postaviti fizičko ograničenje kako bi svima bilo jasno gdje su granice kruga. To nije potrebno kada radite sami jer vi vizualizirate krug, vi ga stvarate, pročišćavate, posvećujete i otvarate. Krug jedino postoji u fizičkoj realnosti ako istovremeno postoji i u vašoj psihičkoj realnosti. Odnosno, svaki fizički čin, ili predmet mora proizaći iz misli. Problem se pojavljuje u grupnim radovima za koje ionako minimalistički rituali nisu idealna opcija jer sav navedeni pribor i govorne forme služe kako bi olakšale sporazumijevanje i obavljanje rituala uopće. No, u zatvorenom prostoru je moguće ograničiti krug na veličinu same prostorije, a vani postavljajući prirodne elemente (stijene, štapove), ili koristeći se već postojećim prirodnim elementima (npr. drvećem i stijenama koje prirodno čine kružni/elipsoidni oblik). 

Svijeće - bilo da se govori o oltarnoj svijeći, ili svijećama za četvrti, one fizički nisu potrebne jer uvijek postoje alternativni izvori svjetla (bila to mjesečina, sunčevo svjetlo, ili pak nekakva umjetna rasvjeta koja se nalazi u prostoru). Simbolički govoreći, također se može bez njih preživjeti. Oltarna svijeća, između ostalog, simbolizira vas, vaše želje, vašu energiju, a ta vam je simbolika samo dodatak pošto se vi (skupa s vašim željama i energijom) nalazite unutar kruga. Svijeće za četvrti (tj. elemente) služe za označavanje kruga (što sam pojasnila u prethodnoj točci), ili pak da simboliziraju elemente. Njih se može zamijeniti vizualiziranje elemenata (što se ionako čini u svakom ritualu prilikom prizivanja elemenata). 

Figure Boga i Božice - uvijek je lijepo imati likovni prikaz božanstava koji će nas podsjećati na njih i davati nam dojam njihove prisutnosti, a još je ljepše kada osjetimo pravu prisutnost tog božanstva u sebi, ili kraj nas (što se postiže pravilnim i moćnim prizivima/uzivima za koje je opet potrebna praksa i iskustvo). Po paganskim vjerovanjima, svaka osoba je ujedno i Bog i Božica (a u najmanju ruku su oni dio svake osobe). Po ovom uvjerenju će božanske sile uvijek biti prisutne u krugu.

athamé/štap te mač i motka - bez obzira za što ih koristili (prizivanje, kanaliziranje energije, iscrtavanje kruga itd.), možete ih zamijeniti kažiprstom ili rukom. Oni su ionako samo posrednici koji provode energiju od točke A to točke B. Energije se jednako dobro može prenositi direktno tj. preko ljudskog tijela.

voda i sol (te zdjele) - zdjele za vodu i sol vam nisu potrebne ako nemate ni vodu ni sol (logično, zar ne?). No zašto vam voda i sol ne trebaju? Obično ih se koristi kao simbole elemenata. Za ovo vrijedi isto obrazloženje kao za četvrtne svijeće. No, što ako ih se koristi za pročišćavanje prostora? Pa vrlo jednostavno; postoji mnogo načina pročišćavanja prostora, a samo je mali dio njih fizičke naravi. Pročišćavati se može mislima, ili naprosto usmjeravanjem energije te koristeći se raznim vizualizacijama (najčešće se zamišlja kanaliziranje bijelog svjetla prema nečemu, ili bijelo svjetlo kako ispunjava nešto itd.). 

incens - koristi za iste svrhe kao i voda i sol pa vrijede ista obrazloženja.

šibice/upaljač - naprosto vam nisu potrebni ako nemate što za zapaliti.

pentakl - najčešće predstavlja element zemlje, kojeg se opet može vizualizirati. Ako ga se uzima kao simbol sjedinjenja svih elemenata, ili kao simbol duha, opet je nepotreban jer se pravilnim prizivom svi elementi već mogu dovesti u krug (oni su tada već skupljeni na jednom mjestu, rade u harmoniji i na taj su način već udruženi), a vaš duh je već prisutan samim time što ste vi prisutni.

kalež i tanjur (hrana i piće) - ako nemate hranu i piće, ni jedno ni drugo vam nije potrebno. Smatram da je uvijek bolje imati hranu i piće naprosto kako bi ritual imao neku srž i kako biste se mogli lakše uzemljiti. No, uzemljiti se možete i vizualizacijama, tehnikama disanja i fizičkim pokretima. Ako je u pitanju jelo i piće kao predmet u kojeg se kanalizira energija (koju se konzumiranjem hrane i pića unosi u tijelo), onda ju se isto može zanemariti jer se može energiju kanalizirati direktno u praktičara. Za to je potrebno samo promijeniti smjer kanaliziranja energije. 

ritualno ulje - ionako ga vrlo malo ljudi koristi često, a ostali ga koriste samo u posebnim prilikama. Ono služi kako bi se osobu blagoslovilo i pročistilo. Blagoslivljanje se može postići i polaganjem ruku na osobu, običnom zamolbom usmjerenom božanstvu itd. A pročišćavanje se može obaviti na iste načine te vizualizacijama, ili pak fizičkim metodama (npr. kupanjem prije obreda).

Već sam rekla što se može učiniti ako nemate odjeću, a sve ostalo oruđe i ukrasi koje sam navela se može zanemariti jer je dodatno i jer se može nadoknaditi vizualiziranjem, ili se naprosto može izbjeći njegovo korištenje u ritualu.

Podizanje kruga

Pročišćavanje prostora - možete obaviti vizualizacijama. Umjesto da šetate po prostoru s metlom/kadionicom, šetate praznih ruku i zamišljate svu negativnu energiju kako odlazi, osjećate lakoću u zraku oko vas, a ako vam je potrebno do fizički potkrijepiti, možete mahati i rukom imitirajući pokrete metle. 

Gesta blagoslivljanja
Blagoslivljanje - svako blagoslivljanje se može obaviti polaganjem ruku (ili samo držanjem ruku iznad predmeta/osobe). Umjesto da na glas govorite što radite, ili molite božanstva da vam pomognu, to učinite u sebi. Postoji ustaljena gesta blagoslivljanja pri čemu se podigne dlan dominantne ruke (dakle desna ako ste dešnjak, ili lijeva ako se ljevak) i usmjeri prema onome što se blagoslivlja. U slučaju da ste vi osoba koja prima blagoslov, dlanovi (obaju ruku) moraju biti okrenuti put gore, a ruke savinute u laktovima u razini kukova.

Gesta primanja blagoslova
Usredištenje i prizemljenje - ionako se obavlja vizualizacijama gdje nije potrebno ništa govoriti niti se koristiti ikojim priborom. Odličnu tehniku možete naći u postu o formi rituala pod naslovom "Otvaranje kruga".

Označavanje kruga - kako biste zamijenili užad ili kredu, pogledajte predložene metode navedene u podnaslovu o ritualnom oruđu. Umjesto athaméa možete koristiti vlastiti kažiprst kojeg ćete držati usmjerenog prema tlu hodajući i označavajući obod kruga. Pritom je poželjno vizualizirati crtu bijelog/plavog svjetla koje nastave povlačenjem vašeg kažiprsta. Ako zamišljate krug kao sferu onda možete zamišljati uz to sferu koja se pomalo gradi i koja se ispunjava svjetlom. Ovim se zapravo obavila i vizualizacija zaštite kruga.

Paljenje svijeća i označavanje kruga fizičkim elementima se može izostaviti jer potrebnog pribora za to trenutno nema. Krug se njima može kasnije označiti tijekom njihovog prizivanja.

Gesta trećeg oko (položaj ruku iz
vaše perspektive prije prislanjanja na čelo)
Pozdravljanje - prije početka samo rituala se mogu koristiti različiti oblici pozdrava usmjereni prema drugim sudionicima u ritualu, ili energijama koje su prisutne. Oni se obično izgovaraju, iako postoji i odgovarajuća gesta koja se naziva gesta trećeg oka. Ova gesta primarno služi za pozdravljanje svih prisutnih, ali i  za otvaranje šeste ćakre (poznata još kao treće oko). Izvodi je se tako da se klekne pred oltar, nedominantnu ruku (dakle lijevu ako ste dešnjak, ili desnu ako ste ljevak) skupi u šaku, dominantnom rukom je se obavije odozgo. Tako se skupljene šake potom prinesu čelu u visini trećeg oka (dakle malo poviše središta obrva). Ovaj pozdrav obično izvodi voditelj/voditelji rituala.

Prizivanje elemenata

Prilikom zazivanja elemenata je dobro ih vizualizirati, a samim time ih pozivate da vam se pridruže. Možete zamišljati njihove elementale koji ih utjelovljuju, ili pak odraze elemenata u prirodnim pojavama. Možda ćete ih moći personificirati pa će vam to olakšati vizualizaciju. Svakako, nađite metodu koja vama odgovara. 

Često se prilikom prizivanja koristi athamé ili štap koje opet možete zamijeniti kažiprstom. Možete se naprosto okrenuti put onog smjera uz kojeg je vezan element držeći ruku i kažiprst ispružen iznad sebe te vizualizirajući odgovarajući element kako vam se pridružuje. Neki idu korak dalje pa umjesto samo usmjeravanja kažiprsta iscrtavaju pentagram u zraku. Svaki element ima dva odgovarajuća pentagrama - jedan kojim ga se priziva (koji je u ovom trenutku prikladan) i jedan kojim mu se odzdravlja (tzv. "protjerivajući" pentagram, eng. banishing pentagram) kojeg se koristi pri otpuštanju elemenata. Svatko ima svoj način pamćenja ovih pentagrama (ako ih se odluči koristiti) i sigurna sam da ćete vi naći svoju metodu. :)

Ako vam se ne da pamtiti sve ove pentagrame, postoje i druge geste kojima se može prizvati elemente (ali i odzdraviti). Sljedeće geste su uvriježene u paganskoj praksi:

Palčevi se isprepletu, a ostali prsti rašire (dlanovi ostaju okrenuti put vas). Prstima se može mahati tako da se oponaša krila ptice, ili leptira. Ova je gesta u jogi poznata kao garuda mudra



Kako nisam uspjela naći jednu sliku da opiše ovu gestu, morala sam se zadovoljiti s dvjema. Da bi se ova gesta izvela, prisloni se ispruženi dlan nedominantne ruke na prsa (kao na lijevoj slici), a dominanta ruka se skupi u šaku, potpuno ispruži i podigne na otprilike 45° (kao na desnoj slici, ali nešto više ispružena).

Oba se dlana skupe i okrenu put gore kao da se grabi voda (koliko je meni poznato, visina ruku nije važna pa preporučam da ruke držite na visini koja vam je najugodnija). 

Gesta zemlje jako sliči gesti zraka, ali se razlikuje u tome što su dlanovi okrenuti od osobe i put tla te prsti čvrsto skupljeni (iako su palčevi na isti način isprepleteni). 

Svaka od navedenih gesta ima i svoju alkemijsku ekvivalentu. Ove alkemijske geste su zapravo imitacija alkemijskih simbola četiriju elemenata rukama. Iz toga proizlaze sljedeće geste:


Jagodice palčeva i kažiprsta se spoje tako da tvore trokut s vrhom put gore. Srednji prsti se spoje tako da tvore crtu koju siječe trokut. Prstenjaci i mali prsti mogu pratiti oblik kažiprsta (kao na lijevoj slici, što je tradicionalnije), a naišla sam i na varijantu da prate srednji prst (kao na desnoj slici, što je lakše i prirodnije za napraviti). 

Ista je gesta kao za zrak samo što i srednji prst (i svi ostali prsti) prate kažiprst. Dakle, rukama se tvori obični trokut s vrhom put gore.

Identična je forma kao kod vatre samo što je vrh trokuta okrenut put dolje.

Ista je forma kao kod zraka samo što je trokut okrenut vrhom put dolje.

Zazivanje Boga i Božice

Gesta dobrodošlice
Iako je uobičajeno zazive obavljati govoreći na glas, možete ovo obaviti i u sebi. Određene druge segmente možete obaviti i bez znatnih izmjena poput vizualizacija i plesa. No o tome više možete pročitati u postu o formi rituala. No, i ovdje postoje određene geste koje su uvriježene u paganskoj praksi. 

Uobičajeno je da se prilikom čitanja zaziva (u ovom slučaju izgovaranja u sebi) stoji u pozi dobrodošlice (ili gesti dobrodošlice). Njome se pozdravlja božanstva i daje dobrodošlica u krug. Sastoji se od toga da osoba stoji u prirodnom raskoraku i ruke drži raširene u ravnini ramena (tako da tijelo tvori slovo T).

Geste za prizivanje božanstava

Postoje dvije glavne geste u općoj paganskoj praksi, a to su Ozirisova poza (ili gesta Boga) te gesta Majke (također poznata i kao gesta Božice). 

Ozirisova poza/
gesta Boga
Ozirisova poza se radi tako se stane skupljenih nogu, podlaktice se prekriže preko prsta da tvore slovo X (s tim da dominanta ruka treba biti iznad). Dlanovi se uglavnom drže ispruženi, a mogu biti savinuti ako se u njima drže određeni simboli Boga (Oziris je obično prikazan s mlatilicom tj. bičem i faraonskim štapom, a u paganskoj praksi se obično drže dva simbola muškog aspekta: bodež i štap). Ovom se pozom slavi muškost, muška plodnost, duhovnost i reinkarnacija (koja je sastavni dio mita o Ozirisu).

Gesta Majke je slična gesti primanja blagoslova jer su obje ruke savijene u laktovima i stoje u visini kukova. Dlanovi moraju biti okrenut put gore, a stopala raširena u ravnini ramena. Često će ova poza varirati u dubini raskoraka pa se nemojte začuditi ako naiđete na takve modifikacije.

Ritual za sabat/ezbat

Geste za slavljenje božanstava

Pozdravljanje božanstava koje se slave za tu određenu priliku je uobičajeno tijekom slavlja sabata i/ili ezbata, pa to možete učiniti jednom od navedenih gesta umjesto da govorite (iako  možete govoriti i u sebi).

Gesta rogova
Kako bi se posebno pozdravilo Boga i Božicu, svatko od njih ima odgovarajuću gestu koja simbolizira njihove glave fizičke, ili mitološke atribute. To su gesta Rogatog Boga (ili znak rogova) koja simbolizira klasični fizički prikaz ovog božanstva, te gesta fige/šipka koja simbolizira stidnicu (što ju čini simbolom ženske plodnosti i seksualnosti). 

Gesta fige/šipka
Gesta rogova se sastoji od toga da se ruka skupi u šaku, a kažiprst i mali prste isprave put gore. Palac pritom obavija ostale prste. 

Gesta fige se radi tako da se ruka skupi u šaku, a palac postavi između kažiprsta i srednjeg prsta.

Gesta Mjeseca (samo što ruke
trebaju biti u ravnini očiju)
Za slavljenje Božice još postoje tri geste koje su međusobno jako slične i sve su povezane s Mjesecom. Prva gesta se naziva gestom Mjeseca i izvodi se tako da se ruke podigne u ravninu očiju, dlanove okrene jedan prema drugom i savija kao da između njih stoji kugla.

Gesta Mjesečeva srpa
Druga od spomenutih gesti je gesta Mjesečeva srpa i zapravo je potrebno samo prste savinuti u obliku slova C kako bi ju se napravio. Ovo se obično radi dominantnom rukom koja je podignuta u zrak. Palac i kažiprst pritom stoje savinuti da tvore slovo C, a ostali prsti su skupljeni u šaku.

Gesta Trojnog Mjeseca (ali bez gesta
Mjesečeva srpa koje ju upotpunjuju)
Posljednja od ovih triju gesta je gesta Trojnog Mjeseca. Veoma slični pozi koja je na slici, ali uz mali dodatak. Podlaktice trebaju biti prekrižene na prsima tako da tvore slovo X (kao i na fotografiji) s dominantom rukom poviše. Dodatak naspram fotografije jest taj da obje ruke trebaju pokazivati gestu Mjesečevog srpa. Dvije ruke pritom simboliziraju fazu rastućeg i padajućeg Mjeseca, a praznina između njih (mogli bismo zapravo reći srce, a ne praznina) predstavlja fazu punog Mjeseca. Ovaj je oblik poznat i kao simbol Trojne Božice.

Gesta Sunca
Još jedna gesta kojom se ukazuje poštivanje i koja je prikladna za gotovo sva božanstva (a posebice ona vezana uz Sunce) jest gesta Sunca. Slična je gesti dobrodošlice, ali su ruke podignute visoko u zrak i blago raširene, a glava lagano podignuta.

Geste namijenjene za slavljenje božanstava se ne moraju koristiti isključivo u ovom dijelu obredu. Smatram da su primjenjive kada god želite iskazati poštivanje prema nekom božanstvu, ili naprosto kada ga se spominje (ili u ovom slučaju misli na njega/nju).

Magijske geste

Obično se bilo kakvi magijski radovi obavljaju unutar slavlja sabata/ezbata. Oni ne moraju biti vezani uz božanstva i ne moraju uopće imati religijsku pozadinu pa stoga čine odvojeni naslov u ovom postu. 

Magija je, po općoj definiciji, mogućnost kontrole (usmjeravanja) energije ka nekom cilju s namjerom ostvarivanja promjene u fizičkom svijetu. Pošto se magija direktno tiče kontrole energije, možete se odlučiti isključivo na taj način baviti magijom, bez ikakvih "pomagala" (svijeća, lutkica, konopa, talismana itd.). Kako bi se usmjerila energija, obično se koristi neka metoda podizanja energije poput Stošca moći u grupama. Za njega zapravo nije ni potreban pribor niti govor (makar zvuk najčešće igra veliku ulogu). Ako radite u grupi, nešto je teže postići harmonično podizanje energije bez određenih signalizatora, ali ako radite sami ili s još jedno-dvoje ljudi, onda se i to može izvesti. Nešto više o mogućim tehnikama podizanja energije možete naći ovdje, no za ovu bih vam priliku preporučila da se bazirate na vizualizaciji (koju biste ionako koristili), pojanje u sebi (dakle nađite neki izraz/riječ koja najbolje sažima vašu namjeru i ponavljajte ga/ju u sebi) te na tehnike kontrole disanja i otkucaja srca. Posljednja se tehnika ponekad koristi u šamanizmu kako bi ubrzala ulazak u druga stanja svijesti i izvodi se tako da glumite da hiperventilirate tj. pokušajte brzo disati, ali isključivo kroz nos (samo pripazite da ipak ne pretjerate; držite ustaljeni ritam i malo ga ubrzajte/usporite po potrebi organizma jer nitko ne želi da se onesvijestite, ili da vam na bilo koji drugi način pozli!). 

Smatram da nema potrebe posebno isticati magijske geste jer mislim da dolaze prirodno. Tipični primjer govora tijela u magiji jest naginjanje tijela put naprijed kada se energija usmjerava prema nečemu (pritom će se ruke često same ispružiti ispred tijela, a dlanovi izravnati). Naglo upiranje prsta u bilo koga/što se smatra izrazito energetski jakom, ali i negativnom gestom pa se ne preporuča njezino korištenje (slične geste su povezane s bacanjem uroka, što se nipošto ne podržava u paganizmu). 

Jelo i piće

Ovaj je dio obreda namijenjen za povratak stvarnosti tj. za uzemljenje. Hrana i piće bi trebali pomoći u ovome (i zaista pomognu), ali njihovo konzumiranje nije jedina metoda uzemljenja. Vizualizacije su i ovdje odlična opcija, pa bih vam preporučila vizualizaciju iz posta o podizanju grupne energije. Radi se zapravo o tehnici ispuštanja viška energije u tlo na sljedeći način: zamišljajte bijelo svjetlo kako se iz vašeg tjemena spušta niz kralježnicu pa kroz trticu (ako sjedine), ili stopala (ako stojite) u zemlju. Ova energija je zapravo ista ona energija koja se posuđivala u vizualizaciji usredištenja i prizemljenja (što se obavlja na početku rituala) i koja se sada vraća zemlji iz koje je proizašla. 

Zahvala Bogu i Božici

Pošto se ritual bliži kraju, potrebno je pozdraviti sve entitete i energije koje su vam se pridružile tijekom rituala, a između ostalog i Boga i Božicu (tj. bilo koja božanstva koja ste prizivali/uzivali). Možete im se zahvaliti govoreći u sebi i pokazujući neku primjerenu gestu za slavljenje božanstva.

Otpuštanje elemenata

Elemente se pozdravlja na isti način na koji ih se priziva, dakle upotrebom kažiprsta kako bi se obratilo određenom elementu (u čijem ste smjeru u tom trenutku okrenuti tj. prema istoku za zrak, jugu za vatru, zapadu za vodu, ili sjeveru za zemlju). Možete birati hoćete li iscrtavati pentagrame, koristiti neke od predloženih gesta iz ovog posta, ili naprosto ih samo pozdraviti i otpustiti riječima koje govorite u sebi za ovu priliku.

Otpuštanje kruga

Ako ste na početku zamišljali punjenje sfere/kruga bijelom svjetlošću, onda ćete sada  zamišljati kako ta svjetlost pomalo blijedi, ili kako svijetla crta koja obilježava obod kruga pomalo nestaje. Dakle koju god da ste vizualizaciju koristili pri podizanju kruga, obrnuto ćete zamišljati sada. Obično se prođe po obodu kruga s athaméom/štapom usmjerenim prema tlu, ali vi možete umjesto navedenog oruđa koristiti kažiprst. Važno je da ste kroz cijeli ovaj proces svjesni (a možete to i reći u sebi) da spuštate krug i da ritual završava. 

Iako se možda nikada nećete odlučiti raditi minimalistički ritual, nadam se da ćete barem koristiti neke od gesta koje sam navela i da ćete osjetiti razliku u kvaliteti rituala.
Za sada vam želim puno sreće s daljnjim radovima! :)
Vaša Witch's Cat

Minimalistic Rituals (Devotional and Magical Gestures)

Inspired by my Yule ritual, I decided to write a little something about what I like to call minimalistic rituals, that is those rituals in which no sounds are made and which are completely laid bare of any redundant elements (from ritual tools to decorations). This approach towards rituals is somewhat contradictory to most things written on this blog and in literature because the opposite is usually encouraged: dialogues with deities, chanting, singing, dancing, drumming and other acoustic methods of raising energy. Also, certain ritual aspects are always mentioned: ritual tools, decorations, robes and other things that you "should have". But what to do when you aren't able to do/have any of the above mentioned things? What if you aren't even able to make your own tools and other necessities? Maybe you share your house with someone and can't make noise during the night (if you do your rituals at night), or perhaps you want to do your ritual in private and don't want anyone hearing or disturbing you. One other that may occur is that you simply cannot find the right words to express yourself at a certain moment. This is when you turn to body language. 

Body language sends our unconscious thoughts to those around us and also enables us to equally unconsciously receive information from our surroundings. Certain physical expressions have become customary; we are used to them and can understand their meaning without hesitation. Understanding actions such as these has become intuitive, such as crossed arms ("Don't touch me"), sudden finger-pointing ("He did it!"), shrugging your shoulders ("I don't know"), nodding your head ("Yes") and so on. Of course, these gestures may vary from culture to culture. But just as these gestures have become common among the general population, certain other gestures have nested themselves in magical and ritual practice. It is precisely about these gestures that I will be writing about in this post.

But what about ritual tools, robes, decorations, jewelry...? All of this is unnecessary and is replaceable. Your body alone is enough to replace any important ritual tool and what the body cannot do, the mind can. Jewelry and decorations are just additional elements anyway. If you don't have ritual robes, you can simply work nude (if you work alone, or even in a group is everyone is ok with this), but you can also use any clothes that are clean (although it is recommended that you wear them only inside the circle from then on). 

I would like to begin this post with a question: 

"How is it possible to perform a minimalistic ritual?"

Mental work is an important part of every ritual. Our mind is the one who envisions everything that is necessary, that channels energy towards a certain goal, that takes us into other states of consciousness and with which we form our goals and intentions. All the rest: the words, theatrical elements, tools, clothes, decorations...these are all additional elements which create a nice ambient and thus have a psycho-physical impact on the practitioner. Of course, all of these elements make it easier to fall into a trance, enhance the general effect of the ritual and create the feeling that something uncommon and special is going on. But you can live with all of those additions nonetheless.

As I have already stated, your body can replace almost everything and what your body cannot, the mind can.

I would now like to through all of the segments of a classic Pagan ritual by guiding myself with the typical ritual form. I will attempt to modify everything to make it as minimalistic as possible. 

Ritual Tools

altar - really isn't necessary. If you're performing your ritual outdoors, then you can use any log, but no matter where you are, you can always use the ground itself for both your altar and the circle in which you will be performing the ritual. And besides, why do you even need an altar if you're not going to have anything to put on it? :)

equipment for marking the circle - be it chalk or ropes, it can be useful when working in a group where it is necessary to put a physical "barrier" to make it clear to everyone where the circle ends and begins. This isn't necessary when you work alone because you are the one visualizing the circle, cleansing it, consecrating it and opening it. The circle exists in the physical reality only if it simultaneously exists in your mental reality. Respectively, any physical act or object comes from thought. A problem only exists in group works for which minimalistic rituals aren't an ideal option because all the ritual tools and spoken forms exist to make communication and ritual performance easier. But, in an enclosed space, it is possible to restrict the size of the circle to the size of the room itself or by placing natural objects if you are working outside (such as rocks or staffs) or by using preexistent natural elements (e.g. rocks or trees that naturally form a circle/oval).

candles - if it is the altar candle or the quarter candles, they aren't physically necessary for us because alternate sources of light always exist (be it moonlight, sunlight or artificial light in a room). Symbolically speaking, you can also manage without them. The altar candle, among other things, symbolizes you, your wishes, your energy, and all that symbolism is just additional because you (with your wishes and energy) are already present in the circle. The quarter candles are there to indicate the perimeter of the circle (which I talked about in the previous point), or symbolize the four elements. They can be replaced by the practitioner visualizing the elements (which is done anyway in the Calling of the Quarters ritual).

symbols of the God and Goddess - it is always nice to have an artistic depiction of deities which will remind us of them and give us the impression of their presence, but it is even better when we actually feel their presence in and around us (which is achieved by real and powerful invocations which are achieved in time and with practice). In Paganism, it is usually thought that each person is also the God and the Goddess (or that they are at least a part of every person). According to this belief, they are always present in the circle. 

athamé/wand, sword and staff - no matter what you use them for (invocations, channeling energy, opening the circle etc.), all of these tools can be replaced by the index finger or the whole hand. After all, they are simply mediators which transfer energy from point A to point B. Energy can be channeled equally as well by using direct methods (i.e. the human body). 

salt and water (and bowls) - logically, bowls for water and salt aren't needed if you don't plan to use water or salt. But why wouldn't you need water and salt? They are usually used as symbols of two elements (water and earth). The same explanation goes for that as for the quarter candles so I won't repeat myself. But what if they are used to cleanse the ritual space? Well this is very simple; there are many ways to cleanse the ritual space and only a small part of them is physical. You can cleanse a space by using only your thoughts, or by simply channeling energy and using various visualizations (the most common is visualizing white light being directed towards something or filling something).

incense - it is used for the same purposes and salt and water so the same explanations apply.

matches/a lighter - they simply aren't necessary if you don't have anything to light with them.

pentacle - it usually represents the element of earth which can again be visualized. If it is taken as a symbol of the unity of all the elements or as the symbol of the spirit then it is also unnecessary because all of the elements can be brought into the circle with a quality invocation (they are then in the same place, they work harmoniously and are in this sense already unified), and your spirit (the fifth element) is already present since you are in the circle yourself.

goblet and plate (food and drinks) - if you don't have neither food nor drinks, then you won't need either. I believe it is always better to have food and drinks simply so the ritual can have a core and to make it easier for you to earth yourself. But earthing can be done by visualizing, practicing breathing exercises and with physical movements. If we take the food and drinks to be the objects into which energy is channeled (this is always good because that energy is directly taken into the body by consuming the food and drink) it is also replaceable because energy can always be channeled directly into the practitioner(s). In order to do this, it is only necessary to change the direction in which the energy is channeled. 

ritual oil - it is used rarely enough as it is (and by few practitioners), mostly for special occasions. When it is used, it serves to bless and cleanse a person. Blessings can also be given simply by laying your hands on a person, by saying a request which is directed towards a deity and so on. Cleansing can be done in the same ways and by visualizing or even by performing certain physical acts (for example taking a ritual bath before the ritual begins).

I have already explained what you can do if you don't have any ritual robes and the other tools and decorations are simply unnecessary because they can all be replaced by quality visualizations (or they can simply be ignored and not even used in the ritual). 

Casting the Circle

Cleansing the space - this can be done by visualizing. In stead of walking around the ritual space with a broom/censer, you walk empty-handed and visualize all the negative energy dispersing and feel the air around you becoming lighter. If you feel the need to substantiate this with physical actions, feel free to wave your hands as if imitating the way the broom moves. 

Blessing gesture
Blessing - every blessing can be performed by simply laying your hands on (or just above) the person/object being blessed. In stead of saying what you are doing out loud or asking a deity for help out loud, simply do this in your mind. A settled blessing gesture does exist and it is performed by raising the palm of the dominant hand (so the right palm if you're right-handed or the left palm if your left-handed) and directing it towards the person/object being blessed. In case you are the one being blessed, you can turn both your palms upwards and bend your arms at the elbows (so your elbows are at your hips). 
The gesture for receiving a blessing

Centering and grounding - both of these actions are performed by using visualizations during which nothing has to be said and for which no ritual tools are needed. You can find excellent techniques for both actions in the previous post on ritual from under the subtitle "Opening the Circle". 

Marking the circle - to find a suitable replacement for chalk or ropes, have a look at the suggestions under the subtitle "Ritual tools" in this post. In stead of using an athamé to mark the circle's perimeter, you can use your index finger which you will keep directed towards the floor while walking on the envisioned perimeter. While doing this, it is best if you visualize a shining white/light blue line appearing on the floor where you direct your index finger. If you tend to visualize a sphere in stead of a circle, then you can visualize the sphere slowly being fulfilled with this same light (and thus being built). By doing this, you have actually visualized the protection of the circle

Lighting the candles and marking the circle with the physical elements can be left out here because we don't have the necessary tools for this. Also, the circle can (and will) be marked by the elements later on during the invocation of the elements. 

The gesture of the third eye
(the position of the hands from your
perspective before placing them
on the forehead)
Greeting - before beginning the ritual, certain greeting forms can be directed towards the other ritual attendants and present energies. They are usually spoken, although a fitting gesture also exists and it is called the gesture of the third eye. It is primarily used to greet all those that attend the ritual but is also effective at opening the sixth chakra (also known as the third eye). It is performed by kneeling before the altar and contracting the non-dominant hand into a fist (that would be your left hand if you're right-handed or your right hand if you are left-handed). The non-dominant hand is then clasped from above with the dominant hand. Both hands are kept clasped like this and the thumbs (which are crossed) are placed onto the forehead about where the third eye should be (slightly above the midpoint of the eyebrows). This greeting is usually performed by the director of the ritual (the priest and/or priestess).

Invoking the Elements

When invoking the elements, it is always a good idea to visualize them (and in doing so, you are actually inviting them to join you). You can imagine their elementals which embody them or the reflection of the elements in natural phenomena. You can also personify them; this may even make it easier for some of you. But by all means find a method that suits you.

Common tools using in invocations are the athamé and wand which can be replaced by the index finger. You can simply hold your hand in the air with the index finger stretched (the other fingers clasped into the fist), pointing towards the cardinal point which corresponds to the particular element you wish to invoke. Some go a step further and in stead of simply outstretching their index finger draw a pentagram in the air. Each element has two corresponding pentagrams - an invoking pentagram (which is used in this case) and a banishing pentagram (which is used for releasing the quarters. Everyone has their own way of memorizing these pentagrams (if they decide to use them) and I'm sure that you will find your own method. :)

If you don't feel like memorizing all of these pentagrams, then there are other gestures which you can use to invoke the elements (and release them). The following gestures are common in Paganism:

The thumbs are interlocked and the other fingers spread out (the palms facing the practitioner). You can "wave" your fingers as if imitating the flapping wings of a bird or butterfly. This gesture is known as garuda mudra in yoga. 


Since I wasn't able to find one pictures to explain this gesture, I had to manage with two. To perform this gesture, the flat palm of the non-dominant hand should be placed on the chest (as in the left picture) and the dominant hand should be clenched into a fist, fully extended in the air and raised about 45° (as in the right picture but slightly more straightened out).

Both palms should be slightly contracted and turned upwards as if trying to grab water (as in the picture). As far as I know, the height of the hands/arms isn't important so I recommend you keep them at a height which is comfortable to you.

The gesture of the element of earth is very similar to the gesture of air. It is different in the fact that the palms should face from the practitioner (that is, towards the floor) and the fingers tightly kept together (although they are straight as in the air gesture, and the thumbs are interlocked in the same way). 
Each of the above mentioned gestures has its alchemical equivalent. These alchemical gestures are actually imitations of the alchemical symbols of the four elements made with the hands. 


The tips of the thumbs and the index fingers touch to form an upward-facing triangle. The middle fingers are joined to form a line which divides the triangle into two parts along the middle. The ring finger and pinky can follow the index finger (as in the left picture, which is more traditional), but I have also come across a variation in which they follow the middle finger (as in the right picture which is usually easier and more natural for the fingers).

This is almost the same gesture as for the element of air. It differs only in that the middle finger (and ring finger and pinky) follow the index finger. Basically, the hand should form a normal upward-facing triangle.

This is an identical gesture to the fire gesture, except the triangle should face downwards.

This is the same from as with the air gesture, except the triangle should face downwards.

Invoking the Goddess and God

The welcoming gesture
Even though it is common to perform any invocations by speaking out loud, this can be done in the mind also. Other segments of the invocations can be done without any modifications, for instance visualizations and dancing. But you can read more on those in the previous post on ritual form. For those parts of the invocation which can be replaced by physical movements, certain gestures have been established in Pagan practice.

While reading an invocation (or in this case speaking it to oneself; in the mind), it is common for the practitioner to stand in the welcoming pose (i.e. the welcoming gesture). It is used to greet the gods and bid them welcome into the circle. It is performed by the practitioner standing with feet apart as naturally as possible and keeping the arms outstretched at the height of the shoulders (thus forming a T shape with the body).

Gestures for Invoking the Gods

Two common gestures exist in Pagan practice and they are the Osiris pose (a.k.a. the gesture of the God) and the gesture of the Mother (a.k.a. the gesture of the Goddess).

The Osiris pose/the
gesture of the God
The Osiris pose is performed by standing with feet firmly together and crossing the forearms over the chest to form an X shape (with the dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand). The palms are usually flat, but they can be clasped into fists if the practitioner decides to hold certain symbols of the God in them (Osiris is usually depicted with a crook and a flail, while it is more common nowadays for the practitioner to hold the athamé and the wand - two ritual tools which symbolize the God). This pose celebrates masculinity, male fertility, spirituality and reincarnation (which is an integral part of the Osiris myth).

The gesture of the Mother is similar to the gesture of receiving a blessing because both arms should be bent in the elbows and kept in front of the hips. The palms should face upwards and the feet placed shoulder-width apart. This pose will often vary in the width of the placement of the feet so don't be surprised if you come across such modifications. 

The Sabbat/Esbat Ritual

Gestures for Celebrating the Gods

Greeting the deities who are being celebrated that particular day is a common practice during the Sabbat and/or Esbat celebration. This can be done by using one/some of the following gestures in stead of speaking (although you can speak in your mind). 

The horns gesture
Both the God and the Goddess have their own celebratory gestures which are used to greet them. Each of them symbolizes their physical characteristics or mythological attributes. These gestures are the gesture of the God (a.k.a. the horns gesture) which represents the classical depiction of the God and the fig gesture which symbolizes the vulva (which makes this gesture a symbol of female fertility and sexuality). 

The fig gesture
The horns gesture is made by contracting the hand into the fist and extending the little finger and index finger upwards. The thumb should cover the middle and ring finger. 

The fig gesture is made by forming a fist and placing the thumb between the index finger and middle finger.

The Moon gesture (except the hands
should be at eye level)
Three more gestures exist for celebrating the Goddess. They are similar because they are all connected to the Moon. The first gesture is called the Moon gesture and it is performed by raising the hands at eye-level, turning the palms towards each other and bending them as if you are holding a ball.

The crescent Moon gesture
The second in this category is the crescent Moon gesture. In order to perform it, the fingers simply have to be bent to from the letter C. This is usually done with the dominant hand which is raised in the air. The thumb and index finger should be bent to form the letter C, while the other three fingers should be clenched into the fist.

The Triple Moon gesture (but without
the crescent Moon gestures which
complete it)
The last of the three gestures is called the Triple Moon gesture. It resembles the pose in the photograph, but has a few additional elements. The forearms should be crossed on the chest thus forming the letter X (as in the picture). The dominant arm should be over the non-dominant one. The addition to the photograph is that both hands should form the crescent Moon gesture. The two hands then represent the waning and waxing phase of the Moon, while the empty space between them (or better said the heart) symbolizes the full Moon. This shape is known as the Triple Goddess symbol.

The Sun gesture

Another gesture which is used to revere a certain deity and which is adequate for almost any deity (but especially those connected to the Sun) is the Sun gesture. It is similar to the welcoming gesture, but the arms should be lifted up high into the air and spread shoulder-width apart. The head should also face the sky.

These gestures, which are intended to celebrate deities, don't have to be used only in this part of the ritual. I believe that they can be used whenever you wish to show respect to a certain deity, or simply when mentioning them (or in this case thinking of them). 

Magical Gestures

Magical works are usually performed inside the Sabbat/Esbat celebration. They don't have to be connected to any deity and don't even need to have a devotional background. This is why I have separated them from the rest of the post.

According to general definitions, magic is the ability of controlling (channeling) energy towards a certain goal with the intention of changing something in the physical world. Since magic is directly connected to energy control, you can decide to perform magic only this way and no other, that is with no "aids" (candles, dolls, cords, talismans etc.). In order to channel energy, certain methods are used to first raise this energy such as the Cone of Power in groups. In order to perform the Cone of Power,  no actual tools or speech is needed (although sounds often play an important role). If working in a group, it is significantly harder to achieve harmonious raising of energy without using some signals, but if working alone or with one or two more people, then this is possible. You can find more methods of raising energy here, but for this occasion, I would recommend you stick to visualizations (which you would use anyway), chanting to yourself (find a word/phrase which best summarizes your intention and repeat it to yourself) and certain breathing techniques and methods of regulating the heart beat. The last two methods are often used in Shamanism to speed up the switch from one state of consciousness to another and they are performed by simulating hyperventilation (try to breath fast but only on your nose, just be careful not to overdo it so keep a regular rhythm and only quicken or slow down the pace according to the needs and abilities of your organism...nobody wants you to faint or get sick in any other way!).

I feel that there is no need to emphasize magical gestures because I believe that they come naturally. A typical example of body language in magic is the moment when the whole body leans forward when directing energy into/towards something (the hands often follow the body and shoot forward with the palms outstretched). Sudden pointing of the index finger towards someone/something is thought to be an extremely powerful, but also dangerous gesture so its use is not recommended (similar gestures are connected to curses which are in no way supported in Paganism).

Cakes and Wine

This part of the ritual is intended for returning to reality and earthing. Food and drinks should be of great help in this (and they really are), but consuming them isn't the only method of earthing. Visualizations are a great alternative even here, so I would recommend a visualization from a previous post on raising group energy. This is actually a technique of letting out excess energy into the land in the following manner: you imagine a ball of white light sliding from your vertex, down your spine and through your tailbone (if you are sitting) or your feet (if you are standing) into the earth. This energy is actually the same energy which you borrow from the land in the visualization of centering and grounding (which is performed at the beginning of the ritual). It once more returns to the earth from which it came.

Thanking the Goddess and God

As the ritual is slowly coming to an end here, it is necessary to bid farewell to all the entities and energies which joined you in the ritual and among them the Goddess and God (or better said any deities which you invoked). You can thank them by saying a few words of thanks to yourself and performing one of the appropriate gestures for celebrating the gods.

Releasing the Elements

The elements should be released in the same matter as they were invoked, that is by using the index finger to address a particular element (i.e. by turning towards that element's cardinal point; east for air, south for fire, west for water and north for earth). You can choose whether or not you will draw the pentagrams, use one of the gestures from this post or simply release them by speaking a few words to yourself.

Releasing the Circle

If, at the beginning of the ritual, you visualized the circle/sphere being filled with a white/blue light, then now is the time to imagine this light slowly fading (be it in the whole sphere or just on the perimeter of the circle). Basically, whichever visualization you used at the beginning of the ritual, you envision the opposite at the end. It is common for the practitioner to pass along the perimeter of the circle with their athamé/wand directed at the floor, but the index finger is used in stead of these tools for this occasion. The most important thing for this process is that you are constantly aware that you are releasing the circle and ending the ritual (if it makes things easier, you can even say this to yourself a few times).

Even though you may never decide to perform a minimalistic ritual, I hope that you will at least use some of the gestures mentioned in this post and sense an improvement in your rituals.
For now, I wish you the best of luck with your future works!
Witch's Cat


Englesko-hrvatski rječnik paganskih pojmova

Većina literature o paganizmu je, naravno, na engleskom jeziku. Posljedice ovoga uključuju nesporazume uslijed drukčijih prijevoda (koji ne moraju nužno biti krivi!), a time i neustaljenu terminologiju. Neke je riječi nemoguće prevesti bez da se njihovo značenje u potpunosti promijeni, ali se neke izraze ipak može. Voljela bih vam stoga ponuditi vlastiti glosar paganskih pojmova. Neke sam izraze sama prevela, a na druge sam naišla u literaturi. Svakako, ovo nije jedan jedini ili "pravo" glosar već naprosto prijedlog prijevoda. Bilo bi mi drago da putem komentara dodate vlastite sugestije, ideje, ili čak nove pojmove. 

Ovaj mali rječnik ne nudi definicije pojmova već samo prijevode engleskih izraza na hrvatski te engleske (američke) izgovore koristeći se engleskim fonetskim znakovima. Definicije možete naći u sekciji "Pojmovnik".

Napomene: ako vam navedeni izgovori nisu jasni, možete ih čuti ovdje. Izgovore fonetskih glasova uz primjere možete naći ovdje. Također, apostrof (') označava naglašeni slog. Ako vidite znak plus (+) u zagradama ispred termina, to znači da je termin koji slijedi najčešće upotrijebljen, ili da je najprecizniji u odnosu na engleski izraz; odnosno da ga se svakako predlaže koristiti.

Engleski izraz


Hrvatski prijevod

adept, stručnjak
zagrobni život
Alexandrian Wicca
/ælɪɡˈzændrɪən 'wikə/
aleksandrijska tradicija/wicca
astral travel
/'æstrəl 'trævl/
astralno putovanje
athamé (/atamé/), bodež
autumn equinox
/ˈɔːtəm ˈekwɪnɒks/
jesenski ekvinocij/ravnodnevnica
lomača, vatra
lomača, vatra
zvono, zvonce
Beltane (/beltejn/)
vezivanje, vezanje
Blessed Be
/ˈblesɪd biː/
Blagoslovljeni bili
srpasti nožić
Book of Shadows
/bʊk əv ˈʃædəʊz/
Knjiga sjenki
/ˈbruːmstɪk/, /ˈbiːzəm/
(the) burning times
/ðə ˈbɜːnɪŋ taɪmz/
vremena progona (vještica)
Cakes and Wine/Ale
/keɪkənd waɪn/eɪl/
(+) hrana i piće (dosl. kolači i vino/pivo)
calling the elements/quarters
/ˈkɔːlɪŋ ði ˈelɪmənts/ˈkwɔːrtərz/
prizivanje elemenata, pozivanje četvrti
casting the circle
/ˈkæstɪŋ ðə ˈsɜːrkl/
(+) podizanje kruga, bacanje kruga
cave art
/keɪv ɑːrt/
špiljska umjetnost
censer, thurible
/ˈsensər/, /θju:ribl/
(+) kadionica/turibul
Charge of the Goddess
/tʃɑːdʒ əv ðə ˈɡɒdes/
Vodstvo Božice
closing the circle
/ˈkloʊzɪŋ ðə ˈsɜːrkl/
zatvaranje/spuštanje kruga
cone of power
/kəʊn əv ˈpaʊər/
stožac moći
prizivanje (duhova/entiteta)
/kɔːrd /
/ˈkʌvn/, /ˈkʌvnsted/
degree system
/dɪˈɡriː ˈsɪstəm/
sustav stupnjeva
/jeʃil/, krivo=/di:ousil/
(+) oposuno, oposuno kretanje, deosil
Dianic Wicca
/ˈdaiænik ˈwɪkə/
dijanska wicca/tradicija
Drawing Down the Moon/Sun
/ˈdrɔːɪŋ daʊn ðə muːn/sʌn /
Spuštanje Mjeseca/Sunca
/ˈdruːɪd /
evokacija, priziv
Fivefold kiss
/ˈfaɪvfoʊld kɪs/
Peterostruki poljubac
bičevanje, šibanje bičem
Gardnerian Wicca
/gɑːrd'neriən 'wikə/
gardnerovksa/gardnerijska tradicija/wicca
Great Rite
/ɡreɪt raɪt/
Moćni obred
Green Man
/ɡriːn mæn/
Zeleni čovjek
združenje, vjenčanje, "vezivanje ruku"
(+) travarstvo, herbologija
hereditary witchcraft
/həˈredɪteri ˈwɪtʃkræft/
nasljedno vještičarstvo
High Priest, High Priestess
/haɪ priːst/, /haɪ priːstes/
Visoki svećenik, Visoka svećenica
Holly King
/ˈhɑːli kɪŋ/
Kralj božikovine
Horned God
/hɔːrnd ɡɑːd/
Rogati Bog
Imbolk, Imbolc
(+) bajanje, čaranje, inkantacija
(+) kȃd, incens
invokacija, uziv
/ˈla:məs/, /ˈlæməs/
libacija, žrtva ljevanica
Litha (/lita/)
Mabon (/mabon/ ili /mejbon/)
Djeva, Djevica
Mother Goddess
/ˈmʌðər ˈɡɑːdəs/
Božica Majka
mystery religion
/ˈmɪstri rɪˈlɪdʒən/
religija/vjera misterija
names of power
/neɪmz ɒv ˈpaʊər/
imena moći
New Age
/nuː eɪdʒ/
Novo doba
Oak King
/oʊk kɪŋ/
Kralj hrasta
oath of secrecy
/oʊθ ɒv ˈsiːkrəsi/
prisega tajnosti
dar, žrtva
Old Religion
/oʊld rɪˈlɪdʒən/
Stara vjera
opening the circle
/ˈoʊpnɪŋ ðə ˈsɜːrkl/
otvaranje kruga
prorok, proročica
Pagan, Paganism
/ˈpeɪɡən/, /ˈpeɪɡənizm/
paganin, paganski, paganizam, više ovdje
priapic wand
/ˌpraɪˈæpɪk wɑːnd/
prijapov štap
priest, priestess
/priːst/, /priːstes/
svećenik, svećenica
releasing the circle
/rɪˈliːsɪŋ ðə ˈsɜːrkl/
otpuštanje kruga
/raɪt/, /ˈrɪtʃuəl/
ritual, obred
proricanje (uz pomoć kristala)
self initiation
/self ɪˌnɪʃiˈeɪʃn/
samoinicijacija, samoposvećivanje
pečat, sigil
nagi, skyclad
solitary Witch/Solitary
/ˈsɑːləteri wɪtʃ/
vještica samotnjak, samotnjak
bajalica, čarolija
duh, duša
spring equinox
/sprɪŋ ˈekwɪnɑːks/
proljetni ekvinocij/ravnodnevnica
summer solstice
/ˈsʌmər ˈsɑːlstəs/
ljetni solsticij/suncostaj
sympathetic magic
/ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk ˈmædʒɪk/
suosjećajna magija
third eye
/θɜːrd /
treće oko
the Threefold Law
/ˈθriːfoʊld lɔː/
Trostruko pravilo
oruđe, pribor (ritualni)
tradicije, pravci
Triple Goddess
/ˈtrɪpl ˈɡɑːdəs/
Trojna Božica
unkcija, mazanje, posvećivanje
štap, štapić
waning, waxing Moon
/weɪniŋ, wæksiŋ muːn/
rastući i padajući Mjesec
/ˈblesɪd biː/
odbijanje, zaštita
Wheel of the Year
/wiːl ɒv ðə jɪr/
Kolo godine
white-handled knife
/wait 'hændld naɪf/
nož s bijelom drškom
wiccaning, prvoblagoslov
Wiccan Rede
/ˈwɪkən ri:d/
Vještičja pouka/pravilo
(+) naopako, naopako kretanje, widdershins
winter solstice
/ˈwɪntər ˈsɑːlstəs/
zimski solsticij/suncostaj
Witches' Rune
/wɪtʃiz ruːn/
(ples) Vještičja runa
Women's Mysteries
/ˈwɪmɪnz ˈmɪstriz/
ženski misteriji
štovanje, slavljenje