Često spominjem neka od sljedećih imena u postovima pa smatram da bi bilo u redu da se upoznate s licima o kojima govorim. Pošto je ovaj post namijenjen isključivo za fotografije, kratke biografije ovih ličnosti možete pročitati u
pojmovniku, ili pak u Bucklandovoj knjizi
The Witch Book, ili u knjizi Rosemary Guiley
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca.
Fotografije možete uvećati klikom na njih.
Arnold Crowther, Patricia Crowther,
Gerald Gardner |
Gerald Gardner, Lois Bourne |
Gerald Gardner, Museum of Magic and
Witchcraft, Castletown, Isle of Man |
Gerald Gardner, Museum of Magic and
Witchcraft, Castletown, Isle of Man |
Gerald Gardner, the Witches' Mill,
Castletown, Isle of Man |
Gerald Gardner, the Witches' Mill,
Castletown, Isle of Man |
Monique Wilson, Gerald Gardner |
Doreen Valiente, Stewart Farrar, Janet Farrar |
Alex Sanders (in the back), Maxine Sanders cleaning the ritual circle with a besom |
Blessing the food |
Janet Farrar's initiation ritual: Sanders giving Janet her ritual tools |
Janet Farrar's initiation ritual: Sanders giving Janet her ritual tools |
Alex Sanders performing a handfasting ceremony |
Sharon Tate getting a witchcraft tutorial from Maxine
& Alex Sanders for the movie The Eye of the Devil, 1966 |
Maxine Sanders stands between Alex Sanders and
Janet Farrar (who is being initiated) |
Alex giving Maxine - the fivefold kiss |
Monique Wilson, Gerald Gardner |
Margot Adler, Selena Fox |
Margot Adler, Selena Fox |
Yvonne Frost, Gavin Frost, Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar |
Pictures with Stewart Farrar (and other older photos)
Janet's initiation (she is bound and ready to take her oath) |
Janet's initiation, Alex Sanders giving her the ritual tools |
Janet's initiation, Alex Sanders giving Janet her ritual tools |
Janet's initiation, Janet giving the oath |
Janet's initiation, opening the circle (calling the quarters) |
Janet's initiation, she is being welcomed into the coven |
Beltane ritual, rekindling the balefire |
Janet Farrar, Stuart Farrar (consecrating the wine) |
Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar (ritual of the Descent of the Goddess) |
Janet as the Mother (Imbolc ritual, the Maiden, Mother and Crone) |
Janet in the Osiris position holding the wand and the scourge |
Janet performing the Midsummer dance to the Sun,
Stewart Farrar as the Oak King (kneeling), Midsummer ritual |
Yule ritual (Janet enacting the Goddess who
mourns the death of the Sun God) |
Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar (symbolic Great Rite) |
Stewart Farrar performing the Great Rite |
Janet Farrar as High Priestess (Lughnasadh, the Corn Dance) |
Yvonne and Gavin Frost, Janet and Stewart Farrar (on the right) |
Janet and Stewart Farrar with other authors |
Doreen Valiente, Stewart Farrar, Janet Farrar |
Pictures with Gavin Bone (and newer photos)
Janet Farrar, Francesca Howell |
Janet Farrar, Edain McCoy, Gavin Bone |
(photos mostly with Janet Farrar)
Beltane ritual, enacting the rebirth of the Oak King |
Janet and Stewart Farrar consecrating the wine |
Enacting the Descent of the Goddess |
Janet and Stewart Farrar (symbolic Great Rite) |
Janet and Stewart Farrar, consecrating the wine |
Yvonne Frost, Gavin Frost, Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar |
Doreen Valiente, Stewart Farrar, Janet Farrar |
Stewart Farrar, Francesca Howell |
(photos mostly with Janet Farrar)
Janet Farrar, Edain McCoy, Gavin Bone |
Zsuzsanna Budapest, Bobbie Grennier |
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