Slike poznatih vještica / Photos of Famous Witches

Često spominjem neka od sljedećih imena u postovima pa smatram da bi bilo u redu da se upoznate s licima o kojima govorim. Pošto je ovaj post namijenjen isključivo za fotografije, kratke biografije ovih ličnosti možete pročitati u
pojmovniku, ili pak u Bucklandovoj knjizi The Witch Book, ili u knjizi Rosemary Guiley The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca.
Fotografije možete uvećati klikom na njih.


I often mention many of the following names in my posts so I thought it would be nice to get acquainted with the faces. Since this post is reserved only for photographs, you can find short biographies of these personas in the glossary, or in Buckland's The Witch Book and Rosemary Guiley's The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca.
You can enlarge the photographs by clicking on them.

Gerald Gardner
Aleister Crowley
Doreen Valiente
Alex Sanders
Maxine Sanders
Monique Wilson
Margot Adler
Gavin Frost, Yvonne Frost
Janet Farrar
Stewart Farrar
Gavin Bone
Starhawk (Miriam Simos)
Zsuzsanna Budapest
Scott Cunningham
Raymond Buckland

Gerald Gardner


Arnold Crowther, Patricia Crowther,
Gerald Gardner

Gerald Gardner, Lois Bourne

Gerald Gardner, Museum of Magic and
Witchcraft, Castletown, Isle of Man
Gerald Gardner, Museum of Magic and
Witchcraft, Castletown, Isle of Man
Gerald Gardner, the Witches' Mill,
Castletown, Isle of Man
Gerald Gardner, the Witches' Mill,
Castletown, Isle of Man

Monique Wilson, Gerald Gardner


Aleister Crowley



Crowley with family (first wife Rose Edith Kelly)
Rose Edith Kelly, Aleister Crowley 

Aleister Crowley, Lady Harris 
Aleister Crowley, Fernando Pessoa  




Maria Theresa Ferrari de Miramar, Aleister Crowley
Maria Theresa Ferrari de Miramar, Aleister Crowley
Pearl Brooksmith, Aleister Crowley


Doreen Valiente


Doreen Valiente, Stewart Farrar, Janet Farrar


Alex Sanders


Alex Sanders, Maxine Sanders (ritual)
Alex Sanders, Maxine Sanders (ritual)
Sanders performing an initiation

Alex Sanders, Maxine Sanders (ritual)
Alex Sanders, Maxine Sanders (Janet Farrar's initiation)
Alex Sanders, Maxine Sanders (Janet Farrar's initiation)
Alex Sanders giving Maxine Sanders the fivefold kiss (?)

Janet Farrar's initiation ritual: Alex Sanders and the other coveners opening the circle (calling the quarters)
Janet Farrar's initiation ritual: Janet being welcomed into the coven
Janet Farrar's initiation ritual: Janet is bound and swears  the oath
Alex Sanders (in the back), Maxine Sanders cleaning the ritual circle with a besom 
Blessing the food
Janet Farrar's initiation ritual: Sanders giving Janet her ritual tools
Janet Farrar's initiation ritual: Sanders giving Janet her ritual tools
Alex Sanders performing a handfasting ceremony
Sharon Tate getting a witchcraft tutorial from Maxine
& Alex Sanders for the movie The Eye of the Devil, 1966


Maxine Sanders



Maxine Sanders stands between Alex Sanders and
Janet Farrar (who is being initiated)
Alex giving Maxine - the fivefold kiss

Alex and Maxine performing an initiation (the initiate gives his oath)
Alex Sanders performing some form of the Great Rite
Alex Sanders invoking the Goddess 

Maxine next to Alex who is consecrating the food

Maxine performing an invocation

Maxine Sanders cleaning the ritual
circle with a besom


Monique Wilson


Monique Wilson, Gerald Gardner



Margot Adler


Margot Adler, Selena Fox
Margot Adler, Selena Fox


Gavin Frost, Yvonne Frost


Yvonne Frost, Gavin Frost, Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar 


Janet Farrar


Pictures with Stewart Farrar (and other older photos)

Janet's initiation (she is bound and ready to take her oath)
Janet's initiation, Alex Sanders giving her the ritual tools
Janet's initiation, Alex Sanders giving Janet her ritual tools 
Janet's initiation, Janet giving the oath
Janet's initiation, opening the circle (calling the quarters)
Janet's initiation, she is being welcomed into the coven

Beltane ritual, rekindling the balefire 
Janet Farrar, Stuart Farrar (consecrating the wine)
Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar (ritual of the Descent of the Goddess) 
Janet as the Mother (Imbolc ritual, the Maiden, Mother and Crone)
Janet in the Osiris position holding the wand and the scourge
Janet performing the Midsummer dance to the Sun,
Stewart Farrar as the Oak King (kneeling), Midsummer ritual


Yule ritual (Janet enacting the Goddess who
mourns the death of the Sun God)
Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar (symbolic Great Rite)
Stewart Farrar performing the Great Rite
Janet Farrar as High Priestess (Lughnasadh, the Corn Dance)
Yvonne and Gavin Frost, Janet and Stewart Farrar (on the right)
Janet and Stewart Farrar with other authors 
Doreen Valiente, Stewart Farrar, Janet Farrar

Pictures with Gavin Bone (and newer photos)

Janet Farrar, Francesca Howell  

Janet Farrar, Edain McCoy, Gavin Bone




Stewart Farrar


(photos mostly with Janet Farrar)

Beltane ritual, enacting the rebirth of the Oak King
Janet and Stewart Farrar consecrating the wine
Enacting the Descent of the Goddess
Janet and Stewart Farrar (symbolic Great Rite)

Janet and Stewart Farrar, consecrating the wine 
Yvonne Frost, Gavin Frost, Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar 

Doreen Valiente, Stewart Farrar, Janet Farrar   

Stewart Farrar, Francesca Howell


Gavin Bone


(photos mostly with Janet Farrar)




Janet Farrar, Edain McCoy, Gavin Bone 


Starhawk (Miriam Simos)





Zsuzsanna Budapest





Zsuzsanna Budapest, Bobbie Grennier


Scott Cunningham




Raymond Buckland


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