
Razlika između pagana, wiccana i vještica

Zanimljivo je koliko ljudi brka pojmove "paganin", "wiccan" i "vještica" do te mjere da ih koriste kao istoznačnice. Naravno, nitko vas neće spaliti na lomači ako ne znate ovu razliku, ali će velikom broju pripadnike ijedne od ovih skupina to zasmetati. Ja se ne ubrajam među te ljude jer mi je jasno da nitko ne misli loše time, ali se osjećam dužnom pojasniti ovu razliku...naprosto informacije radi. 

Moram priznati da obožavam proučavati etimologiju nekih riječi. :) Znate onda što slijedi. ;)

pagan (eng. Pagan) - ova imenica dolazi od latinske imenice pagus (14.st.) koja se odnosila na stanovnike sela, ruralce/provincijalce. Iz nje je izveden pridjev paganus "od sela, seoski, ruralan". Godine 392. su u Rimu zabranjene sve paganske religije, a od 380.g. je kršćanstvo službena religija. U ovom razdoblju započinje pejoracija ove imenice. Kršćani se počinju nazivati Kristovim vojnicima (vojnik = lat. militum), a svi ostali su ono suprotno - civili/nevješti vojnici (lat. im. N. mn. pagi). Tek se kasnije ova imenica počela poistovjećivati s etiketom nevjernika/neznabošca. Danas se ovaj termin veže uz sve vjere koje su bazirane na prirodi i koje uključuju neko štovanje prirode (na engleskom bi se reklo earth-based religions). U hrvatskom je jeziku došlo do zamjene onog prvog slova "a" u ovoj imenici pa se tako pagus pretvorio u poganin. Ovo se vjerojatno dogodilo pod utjecajem mađarskog jezika u kojemu je isto prisutna ova izmjena. 
Ako pogledate u neke hrvatske rječnike, naići ćete na mnogo negativnih definicija ove riječi. Citiram što piše u Klaićevu rječniku stranih riječi:
"pogan, pogani lat. (paganus - seoski, neuk) 1. gad, gnus, nečistoća, nečist, prljavština; izmetine, balega; 2. prenes. mrska, nedraga osoba, uopće sve što izaziva gađenje, odvratnost.
pogan, pogana, pogano lat. (isp. pogan) 1. prljav, nečist, ružan, sramotan, pokvaren, zao, rđav, opak, gadan, ružan, sramotan; 2. bijesan, goropadan, silovit; 3. krivovjerski, nekršćanski, bezbožan. 
poganin, mn. -ani, 2. pogana v. paganizam; žen. poganka; prid. poganski; poganstvo - neznaboštvo"
...ja do sada nisam dobivala nikakve primjedbe po pitanju svog izgleda ni mirisa. Tuširam se svakodnevno i pokušavam se lijepo ponašati prema drugima. Koliko je meni poznati, ne izazivam gađenje. Zaista ne znam što bih više rekla. Pa hajdemo onda na sljedeći termin.

vještica (eng. Witch) - engleski izraz dolazi od staroengleske imenice wicce (ž.r.) ili wicca (m.r.). Ženska se imenica odnosi na ženskog maga tj. čarobnicu, a kasnije se počelo odnositi na žene koje "imaju veze s vragom i zlim duhovima koji im daju natprirodne moći" (koje one uglavnom onda koriste za zlo?...hm). Muška se imenica odnosi, naravno, na muškog maga tj. čarobnjaka, čovjeka koji prakticira magiju/vještičarstvo. Postoji i glagol wiccian "baviti se vještičarstvom" (na njemačkom postoji glagol wikken/wicken koji ima isto značenje). Anićev rječnik daje sljedeće definicije riječi "vještica":
"vještica, 1. pov. mit. žena koja ima moć da ljudima nanosi zlo; 2. pren. pejor. a. zla, svadljiva žena b. razg. ona koja sve dobro predosjeća"
Zanimljivo je da pod sekcijom "etimologija" ispod ove riječi stoji pridjev vješt.
"vješt prid. 1. koji ima prakse, umije, poznaje, razumije se u što; umješan; 2. pren. pejor. iron. koji se zna izvući iz teškog položaja" 
Nadalje, pod etimologijom ovog pridjeva saznajemo da on dolazi od praslavenske riječi Věščь "mudar" te da ima veze s ruskom riječju véščij te poljskom wieszcz koje znače "prorok".  

Ako mi ne vjerujete na riječ, možete sami zaviriti u Hrvatski jezični portal.

No, vratimo se na temu. Nadovezujući se na prije spomenute riječi wicce/wicca te praslavensku Věščь, htjela bih vam dati moderno značenje riječi wicca

wicca (eng. Wicca) - naziv za neopagansku vjeru koja spada pod kategoriju paganizma. U ovom ju je kontekstu prvi put upotrijebio Gerald Gardner u svojoj knjizi Witchcraft Today 1954. godine. On kaže da su wica (množina, s jednim "c"!) bile mudre osobe koje su posjedovale veliko znanje o bilju te okultnom koje su uglavnom koristili za dobro. Poznato je da je ovu imenicu koristio za praktičare ovog paganskog pravca, a ne za sami pravac. Tek neki njegovi učenici počinju koristiti ovu riječ kao naziv za pravac. U svojoj knjizi The Meaning of Witchcraft on kaže da je riječ wica bila prisutna u ceremoniji inicijacije te da je kao takva za njega igrala važnu ulogu. 
"I realised that I had stumbled upon something interesting; but I was half-initiated before the word, 'Wica' which they used hit me like a thunderbolt, and I knew where I was, and that the Old Religion still existed. And so I found myself in the Circle, and there took the usual oath of secrecy, which bound me not to reveal certain things."
(slob. prev. "Shvatio sam da sam naišao na nešto zanimljivo; ali već sam bio napola iniciran kada me je riječ "wica" koju su upotrijebili udarila kao grom, i tada sam znao gdje sam te da Drevna religija još postoji. I tako sam se našao u Krugu i tu se zakleo na uobičajenu prisegu tajnosti koja me je obavezala da ne smijem odati neke stvari.")
Tek je krajem 1960ih je ovaj pojam upotrijebljen kao naziv novog paganskog pravca koji je imao veze s vještičarstvom. Prva tiskana referenca na ovaj pojam je članak Hanza Holzera "The Truth About Withcraft" (1969.g.). On u njemu piše sljedeće:
"If the practice of the Old Religion, which is also called Wicca (Craft of the Wise), and thence, witchcraft, is a reputable and useful cult, then it is worthy of public interest."
(slob. prev. "Ako je praksa Drevne religije, koja se također zove wicca (Umijeće mudrih), a time i vještičarstva uvažen i koristan kult, onda je to vrijedno interesa javnosti.")

Mislim da je iz priloženog jasno da ova tri pojma ne znače jednu te istu stvar. No, ovaj post nisam počela pisati samo kako bih iznijela etimologiju riječi. Htjela sam njime pojasniti tvrdnju koja na engleskome glasi: "A Witch doesn't have to be a Wiccan and a Wiccan doesn't have to be a Witch" (Vještica ne mora biti wiccan i wiccan ne mora biti vještica). Zaista se ne sjećam gdje sam ju pročitala, ali mi je ostala u glavi i ne izlazi već godinama. 

Ako pogledate sliku s kojom sam započela ovaj post, možete pročitati tri izjave po kojima ću se voditi od sada pa do kraja posta. One glase:
  1. Pagani nisu nužno wiccani.
  2. Wiccani nisu nužno vještice.
  3. Vještice nisu nužno pagani.
Idemo se onda baciti na posao. :)

1. Pagani nisu nužno wiccani

Bilo bi preciznije reći "neopagani nisu nužno wiccani" jer u ovo moderno doba zapravo govorimo o obnovi drevnih paganskih religija s nekakvim modernim "izmjenama". No, ono što je zajedničko neo tj. novim paganskim vjerama i onim pretkršćanskima jest štovanje prirode. Wicca je samo jedna od mnogih neopaganskih religija koje danas postoje. Ako se osoba naziva paganinom/neopaganinom, onda ona slijedi neki neopaganski pravac koji ne mora nužno biti wicca. Neki od poznatijih neopagansih pravaca, uz wiccu, su: druidizam, hermetički red Zlatne zore, Thelema, asatru, odinizam, pokret Božice (eng. Goddess movement), preogresivno vještičarstvo (eng. Progressive Witchcraft), eko-paganizam itd. Nešto dulji popis možete naći ovdje.

Dakle, paganin je osoba koja slijedi bilo koji (neo)paganski pravac i ne mora nužno biti wiccan. S druge je strane wiccan ujedno i paganin jer wicca spada pod (neo)paganske religije.

Skraćeno: Pagani ne moraju biti wiccani, ali wiccani jesu pagani.

2. Wiccani nisu nužno vještice

Prije nego što objasnim razliku između ova dva pojma moram napomenuti razliku između pojmova praksa, religija i duhovnost.

Praksa je način rada i postupanja, običaj, navika ili postupak. Dolazi od grčke riječi prȃksis "rad, posao, djelovanje".

Religija se definira kao "organizirani sustav vjerovanja u kojem je središnje mjesto nadnaravno biće, duh ili svemoćna sila, u monoteističkim religijama Bog, u mnogobožačkim više raznih božanstava ili nadnaravnih sila; u većini religija Bog, odnosno bogovi, ujedno je i stvoritelj svijeta i onaj koji određuje opća zbivanja i sudbinu svijeta, sudi o granicama dobra i zla; religije su ob. povezane i s vlastitim moralnim kodeksom i čvrstim obrednim zakonima, kod nekih i kultnim obožavanjima o čijim pravilima i provođenjima brinu duhovni religijski vođe i njima podređeni svećenici".

Duhovnost (ili spiritualnost) je osjetljivost i povezanost s religioznim vrijednostima. Također se definira i kao svojstvo onoga što je spiritualno te kvaliteta/stanje bivanja duhovnim. 

Po navedenim definicijama, ni paganizam ni wicca (jer sam već navela da wicca spada pod paganizam) nisu religije jer nemaju fiksno definirane obredne zakone, niti imaju duhovnog vođu, ni hijerarhiju ni svete spise. Moglo bi se reći da su oni religija tj. vjera jer postoji nekakav sustav vjerovanje, ali taj sustav se često razlikuje od pojedinca do pojedinca i nema čvrste granice kao što je slučaj s organiziranim religijama. Ovo su samo neke od razlika koje se mogu navesti. Iz ovoga se može zaključiti da su i paganizam i wicca duhovnosti, a ne religije. 

Vještičarstvo je praksa i kao takva ne mora imati vjerski kontekst. Vještica je bilo koja osoba koja se bavi vještičarstvom/magijom i ne mora uopće definirati svoja vjerska stajališta. Naići ćete tako na pripadnike raznih neopaganskih pravaca (ali i raznih sistema vjerovanja koji nemaju veze s paganizmom) koji prakticiraju magiju. Neki će reći da je magija ujedno i religija jer uključuje prizivanje božanstava/viših entiteta, no vrijedi istaknuti da je i te kako moguće prakticirati magiju bez prizivanja božanstava.

Da vam dam konkretan primjer, ja se smatram wiccankom (dakle slijedim wiccu), ali ne prakticiram (tj. prestala sam prakticirati) magiju i zbog toga se ne smatram vješticom. 

Skraćeno: Wiccani mogu/ne moraju biti vještice i vještice mogu/ ne moraju biti wiccani.

3. Vještice nisu nužno pagani

Možemo se referirati na definicije prakse i duhovnosti od maloprije. Vještičarstvo je praksa, a paganizam je duhovnost. Svaki paganin odlučuje za sebe koji će paganski pravac pratiti, a isto tako odlučuje želi li, ili ne želi prakticirati vještičarstvo. Isto tako svaka vještica odlučuje želi li pratiti ikoju duhovnost ili religiju (bila ona paganska ili ne). 

Skraćeno: Vještice mogu/ne moraju biti pagani i pagani mogu/ne moraju biti vještice.

Pretpostavljam da je nekima od vas ovo novo i zbunjujuće, ali će se slegnuti s vremenom. :) Pročitajte ovo još koji put pa će vam biti malo jasnije. 

Prije nego što zaključim ovaj post, dala bih vam jedan mali poklon za kraj, a to je tablica engleskih i hrvatskih pojmova koji će vam pomoći u razlikovanju termina koji su ovdje navedeni (i nekih koji nisu). U stupcu "hrvatski pojam" su navedene ekvivalente engleskih pojmova kakve ih priznaju pagani u hrvatskoj (pazeći pritom na pravopis). U stupcu "standardni jezik" ćete naći iste te pojmove kakve iz se zapisuje u rječnicima (hrvatski pagani ne prihvaćaju veliki broj tih oblika). Molim vas da posebno obratite pozornost na razlike između upotrebe velikog i malog slova. Primijetit ćete da se u engleskom imena svih religija/sustava vjerovanje te pripadnik istih pišu velikim početnim slovom, dok se u hrvatskom isti izrazi pišu s malim početnim slovom.

Engleski pojam
Hrvatski pojam
Standardni jezik
paganin (m.r.jd.)
paganka (ž.r.jd.)
pagani (m.r.mn.)
paganke (ž.r.mn.)
Pagan (pridjev)
neopaganin (m.r.jd.)
neopaganka (ž.r.jd.)
neopagani (m.r.mn.)
neopaganke (ž.r.mn.)
Neopagan (pridjev)


sljedbenik wicce)
wiccan (m.r.jd.)
wiccanka (ž.r.jd.)

wicca & wicce
(muški i ženski 
sljedbenik wicce, 
stari nazivi) 
wicca (m.r.jd.)
wicce (ž.r.jd.)
(rijetko se koristi)

wiccani (m.r.mn.)
(ugl. se koristi i za žene)
(koristi se za 
muškarce i žene)
(ugl. se koristi za 
muškarce i žene; rijetko 
korišsteno: "vještac")

vještice (mn.)


Za dodatna pojašnjenja pojmova, možete pogledati linkove koji su bili navedeni u postu. Također mi je bio jako koristan ovaj internetski etimološki rječnik (napomena: na engleskom je). Ako su vam neki pojmovi ostali nejasni, možete pogledati sekciju "Pojmovnik" na ovom blogu. Pošto ga stalno nadopunjavam, moguće je da neke pojmove tu još nećete naći. U tom slučaju se možete referirati na dvije preporučene knjige koju sam vam navedene u pojmovniku (također ih možete i preuzeti u pdf formatu). 

Nadam se da sam vam neke stvari pojasnila! :D
Do sljedećeg posta,
vaša Witch's Cat

The Difference Between Pagans, Wiccans and Witches

It's interesting how many people confuse the terms "Pagan", "Wiccan" and "Witch" to the degree that they use them as synonyms. Of course, nobody is going to burn you at the stake if you don't know the difference, but it may disturb some members of any of of these groups. I don't include myself in this category because I am aware that people don't have any bad intentions when they mix the terms, but I do feel obliged to explain the main differences...simply for information's sake.

I have to admit that I love researching the etymology of some words. :) So you can guess what I'm going to talk about next. ;)

Pagan - this word comes from the Latin noun pagus (14th century) which referred to country-dwellers, villagers/rustics/provincial people. The adjective paganus "of the country, rural" was derives from this word. All Pagan religions were banned in Rome in 392 AD, and in 380 AD, Christianity became the official religion. It is during this time that the pejoration of this word begins. Christians start calling themselves Christ's soldiers (soldier = lat. militum) so everyone else is the opposite - civilians/incompetent soldiers (lat. pagi). It wasn't until later that this word came to be associated with labels such as "infidel" or "heathen". In modern times, this terms is connected to all earth-based faiths which also often include a worshiping/respect for nature.
If you have a look at some dictionaries, you may find many negative definitions of this word. The following definitions were taken out of the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
 "pagan (noun): 1:  heathen 1; especially :  a follower of a polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome)
2:  one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods :  an irreligious or hedonistic person 
Synonyms: gentile, idolater (or idolator), heathen "
In some Croatian dictionaries, I found definitions including horrible descriptive words such as: uneducated, dirty, abominable, disgusting, feces, that which is dirty, spoiled, evil, disgraceful, raging, etc. 

Honestly, I have never been referred to as disgusting or dirty. I take a shower every day and try to be nice towards other people. I don't make people sick (at least now to my knowledge). I really don't know what more to say so let's go on to the next term.

Witch - is derived from the noun wicce (female) or wicca (male). The female word refers to a female magician i.e. a sorceress, but it was later used to refer to "a woman supposed to have dealings with the devil or evil spirits and to be able by their cooperation to perform supernatural acts" (that were usually used for evil?...hmm). The male noun obviously refers to male magicians, men that practice magic/witchcraft. The verb wiccian also exists which means "to practice witchcraft" (the German verbs wikken/wicken mean the same thing). The Marriam-Webster dictionary gives the following definitions:
"witch (noun): 1:  one that is credited with usually malignant supernatural powers; especially :  a woman practicing usually black witchcraft often with the aid of a devil or familiar :  sorceress — compare warlock
2:  an ugly old woman :  hag
3:  a charming or alluring girl or woman"
What's interesting is that the terms "Witch" and "Wicca" are often used interchangeably and have the same etymological background, as you will see under the definition of the latter term.

Wicca - a name for the Neopagan faith which falls under the category of Paganism. The first person to have used it in this context was Gerald Gardner in his book Witchcraft Today from 1954. He says: "Witches were the Wica or wise people, with herbal knowledge and a working occult teaching usually used for good ...." (notice that "Wica" is spelled with one c and that it is in the plural form!). It is known that he used this term to refer to the practitioners of this path but not for the path itself. It was some of his students how started using it in this wider context. In his book The Meaning of Witchcraft, he says that the word wica was present in his initiation ceremony and that it thus played an important role for him.
"I realised that I had stumbled upon something interesting; but I was half-initiated before the word, 'Wica' which they used hit me like a thunderbolt, and I knew where I was, and that the Old Religion still existed. And so I found myself in the Circle, and there took the usual oath of secrecy, which bound me not to reveal certain things."
It was only in the late 1960s that this term was used as a name for the new Pagan path that was connected to Witchcraft. The first printed reference to this term can be found in Hanz Holzer's article entitled "The Truth About Withcraft" (1969). He writes:
"If the practice of the Old Religion, which is also called Wicca (Craft of the Wise), and thence, witchcraft, is a reputable and useful cult, then it is worthy of public interest."
I think that it is clear from all this information that the three terms don't mean the same thing. But I didn't decide to write this post just to give you an etymological background. My original goal was to elaborate on a claim which reads: "A Witch doesn't have to be a Wiccan and a Wiccan doesn't have to be a Witch". I really can't remember where I read it, but it just stuck with me and now I can't get it out of my head. 

If you look at the picture with which I began this post, you can read three statements which will lead me from this point onward, all the way to the end of the post. They are:
  1. Pagans aren't automatically Wiccans.
  2. Wiccans aren't automatically Witches.
  3. Witches aren't automatically Pagans.
So let's get down to business. :)

1. Pagans Aren't Automatically Wiccans

It would be more precise to say "Neopagans aren't automatically Wiccans" because we are dealing with the revival of ancient Pagan beliefs but with a few "modern twists" in these recent times. However, one thing that Neopagan beliefs have in common with prehistoric belief systems is the worshiping of nature. Wicca is only one of many Neopagan religions that exist today. So if someone calls themselves a Pagan/Neopagan, then they follow a certain Neopagan path which doesn't necessarily have to be Wicca. Some of the most well-known paths along with Wicca are: Druidry, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Thelema, Asatru, Odinism, the Goddess movement, Progressive Witchcraft, Eco-paganism etc. You can find a longer list here
So basically, a Pagan is a person who follow any (Neo)pagan faith but not necessarily Wicca. On the other hand, Wiccans are Pagans because Wicca is, in fact, a Neopagan faith. 

In short: Pagans don't have to be Wiccans, but Wiccans are Pagans.

2. Wiccans Aren't Automatically Witches

Before explaining the difference between these two terms, I have to explain how the terms practice, religion and spirituality differ.

Practice is defined as a manner of action/working/practice, a custom, habit or action. It comes from the Greek word prȃksis meaning "work, business, action". 

Religion is defined as "an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods". Sometimes, an all-mighty force takes the place of the deity/ies. Monotheistic religions are centered around one God, while Polytheistic religions have several Gods/Goddesses. In most religions, these deities are also the creator of the world and that which decide over general events and the fate of the world, estimates the borders of good and evil. Religions always have their own moral codex and fixed ceremonial laws which are usually cared for by religious/spiritual leaders and priests (who are usually their subordinates).

Spirituality is the sensitivity or attachment to religious values. It is also defined as the quality or state of being spiritual.

According to the stated definition, neither Paganism nor Wicca (since Wicca is a part of Paganism, as I already said) are religions since they don't have strictly defined ceremonial laws, nor do they have a spiritual leader, a hierarchy or sacred texts. You could call them a religion because a certain belief system does exist, but even this system often varies among individuals and doesn't have strict boundaries as is the case with organized religions. These are only some of the differences that exist. What can be concluded from all of this is that both Paganism and Wicca are, in fact, spiritualities and not religions.

Witchcraft is a practice and as such doesn't have to fit into a religious context. A Witch is any person that practices magic/witchcraft and doesn't even have to define their religious views. This is why you will come across followers of many Pagan faiths (but also many other belief systems that have nothing to do with Paganism) who practice magic. Some will say that witchcraft is also a religion because it includes invocations of various deities or higher entities, but it is worth noting that these invocations are not necessary to perform magic.

To give you a specific example, I think of myself as a Wiccan (so I follow Wicca), but I do not practice witchcraft (at least not any more) so this is why I do not think of myself as a Witch.

In short: Wiccans can/don't have to be Witches and Witches can/don't have to be Wiccans.

3. Witches Aren't Automatically Pagans

We can refer back to the definitions of spirituality and practice for earlier on. Witchcraft is a practice and Paganism is a spirituality. Each Pagan decides for him/herself which path to follow and also has a right to decide whether or not to practice witchcraft. Also, each Witch decides if he/she wants to even follow any spirituality or religion (be it Paganism or not). 

In short: Witches can/don't have to be Pagans and Pagans can/don't have to be Witches.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this is new and confusing for a few of you, but it will settle down in time. :) Try reading the post a few more times; maybe that will clear things up for you.

For additional explanations of certain terms, you can have a look at the links that were mentioned throughout the text. I found his online etymology dictionary was very useful. If some terms are still unclear to you, I recommend you have a look at the Witch's Glossary on my blog. Since I keep adding terms to it, it is possible that you don't find what you are looking for. In that case, you can flip through the two books which are recommended in that same post (you can download them as pdf files).

Anyway, I hope I cleared some things up for you! :D
Until next time. Yours,
Witch's Cat


"Ne da mi se..."

Sigurno ste i previše puta rekli ovu slavnu rečenicu nekome, a vjerojatno i sami sebi. Znam da ja jesam jer ju već zadnjih nekoliko dana ponavljam.

Jedan od faktora koji je utjecao na ovu moju pasivnost jest nedostatak ljudi s kojima mogu slobodno prakticirati svoju vjeru (s izuzetkom prekrasne skupine ljudi koja živi na drugom kraju države te nekolicine obećavajućih pojedinaca u mome gradu s kojima, na žalost, do sada još nisam imala priliku raditi išta). Većini je mnogo zabavnije i intenzivnije raditi rituale u društvu nego sami pa će ovaj post biti posvećen svim vješticama-samotnjacima koji nailaze na ovu prepreku.

U slučaju da ne znate, živim u Splitu, a stereotip Splićana svakako uključuje i lijenost (makar mi to volimo nazivati "fjaka"). I zaista, često ćete čuti ovaj izraz u Splitu. Možda je društvo konačno izvršilo svoj utjecaj na mene, a možda je naprosto do jesenskih kiša i tmurnih oblaka koji su se nadvili nad našim glavama, ali osjećam da mi se ništa ne da raditi. Najradije bih stala kući uz šalicu čaja i čitala po cijeli dan. I tako sam stala razmišljati o ovom stanju uma upravo dok sam pila čaj i grizla se što nisam izvela ritual za Mabon kako sam i planirala.

Naime, imala sam u planu izvesti jedan jednostavni ritual (što inače i radim ako ne slavim u skupini) i obilježiti ovaj blagdan nekom prigodnom hranom i drugim manjim gestama. Stjecajem okolnosti, dan nakon Mabona sam trebala ići na put i našla sam se u situaciji da sam se previše fokusirala na pripreme za putovanje i tako zaboravila obaviti sve pripreme za Mabon! Otprilike sam znala što mi treba i kupila neke osnovne potrepštine za jelo, materijale za ukrase koje sam planirala napraviti itd. Ali je ritual ostao nenapisan. U konačnici sam shvatila da nemam volje raditi improvizirani ritual u kojeg nisam uložila puno truda i koji bi me vjerojatno ostavio ravnodušnom te rekla sama sebi: "Ne da mi se". 

U ovom postu ću stoga posvetiti pažnju temi "lijenosti" u magijskoj i ritualnoj praksi. Svi smo mi ipak ljudi i ne moramo uvijek imati energije ni volje za raditi sve, pa čemu onda raditi nešto na silu?

Ne valja ništa raditi na silu

Zamislite da pokušavate cijeli svoj ormar utrpati u malenu putnu torbu. Naravno da sve neće stati! Ako budete na prisilu pokušavali zakopčati torbu, možete ju samo razbiti. I onda nemate ni putnu torbu više!

Tako je inače u životu. Ne valja većinu toga raditi na silu jer na kraju možemo samo sebi i/ili drugima naštetiti (a sjetite se "zlatnog pravila" u vještičarstvu: "Naudi nikome").

U prijašnjem postu "Magija i wicca" sam navela dva faktora koje smatram važnima u magijskoj i ritualnoj praksi, a to su osjećaj i namjera. Da samu sebe citiram:
"...namjera treba ostati konstantna i postojana tijekom cijelog magijskog rada; od osnutka ideje, kroz pripreme, izvođenje pa sve to kraja izvedbe, a po mogućnosti i poslije. Čineći sve ovo, unosite sve više i više energije u taj magijski rad, a što se više energije unese, to će biti kvalitetniji ishod (zamislite to kao miješanja tijesta za kruh; ako unesete više vremena, truda i energije time da ga premijesite više puta, ispasti će kvalitetniji i ukusniji). 
Drugi faktor je osjećaj. Bez osjećaja ćete vrlo malo toga postići. Potrebno je da osjećate ono što radite i da ste u to uživljeni. Zato se preporuča da osoba radi magiju samo za sebe ili za neki cilj koji uzrokuje subjektivnost i emocije. Što više želite da nešto uspije, to će biti veća šansa da će zaista i uspjeti!"
Sada zamislite da se nalazite u situaciji da sami sebi govorite kako vam se "ne da obavljati ritual". Nedostaje vam motivacije, namjere skoro da ni nemate, a osjećaje da ni ne spominjem! Koja je onda smisao izvoditi ritual ako ćete ga izvesti polovično? Možete li išta uopće postići ako ga tako radite? Moj odgovor je ne.

Je li besmisleno?

Postoje neke rasprave oko ove dileme pa bih htjela iznijeti svoju, ali i drugu stranu priče. Počela bih svakako sa svojim stavom. 

Ja smatram da je bilo koji ritual (bio magijski ili religijski) u potpunosti besmislen ako ga se radi preko volje jer osoba ne unosi onoliko energije u njega koliko on zahtijeva, a rituali nisu poput domaćih radova; ne ciljate samo na dvojku i oni nisu obavezni. Bogovi ionako nisu poput profesora koji vas ocjenjuju i njima nije glavno da samo "odradite" nešto već da to učinite s ljubavlju i svojevoljno. Onog trenutka kada osoba počne doživljavati nešto kao obvezu, ona izgubi volju za tim. 

Neki će pak tvrditi da je magija vještina koju se treba njegovati i koju treba redovito vježbati kako biste ju mogli izvoditi. Isto je u tom slučaju i s ritualima. Ljudi koji tako razmišljaju su obično jako sistematični i drže se nekakvog "rasporeda" rituala koji je ponekad toliko detaljan da znaju u koji sat kojeg dana trebaju obaviti neki ritual. Ovo je možda odlično za praksu, ali meni djeluje hladno. 

No, slažem se da magija zaista jest vještina i da osoba može ispasti iz prakse, ali se isto tako može brzo vratiti u formu (iako su sami počeci dok se stekne ta forma obično najteži). 

Svakako ste slobodni imati i izraziti svoje mišljenje. Možda se slažete sa mnom, a možda s drugim mišljenjem koje sam navela. Za nijedno ne mogu reći da je točno niti da je krivo u generalnom smislu, ali može biti točno/krivo za pojedinca. 


Ponekad je samo stvar lijenosti, a ponekad je upravo bezvoljnost ono što vas sprječava da se dignete i krenete u akciju. Ako je lijenost vaš problem, onda preporučujem da se pobrinete oko toga jer lijenost može biti velika prepreka i inače u životu. No, ako se radi o običnoj bezvoljnosti, smatram da je to sasvim zdravo i ljudski. 

Ako ste bezvoljni u nekom periodu i zaista nemate snage izvoditi neki ritual, onda ga jednostavno nemojte izvesti! Nađite neke zamjene za ritual koje vam više odgovaraju u tom periodu i pokušajte barem nešto vremena i volje posvetiti zadanom cilju. Put kojim ćete to napraviti nije od velike važnosti. :) I ne brinite, predložiti ću neke alternative na kraju posta kako bih vam malo pomogla. 


Kao što sam rekla, svi smo mi ljudi. Svatko od nas može oboljeti i fizički (a često i psihički) ne biti u stanju izvesti neki ritual. Ovo je i više nego valjano opravdanje.

Zamislite da radite ritual, kihnete i ispušete pola svijeća i usput raznesete pepeo od incensa i tko zna što još. Ili da imate visoku temperaturu! Pa ljudi tada ne mogu ni stajati na nogama, a kamoli trčati u krug podižući energiju. I čemu uopće pričati o podizanju energije kada nemamo dovoljno energije ni za sebe kada smo bolesni?

Odašiljanjem energije koja nam treba da bismo ozdravili možemo samo sebi pogoršati situaciju. Smatram da je u ovakvoj situaciji bolje odgoditi malo ritual ako je potrebno i izvesti ga korektno nego se držati točnog vremenskog ograničenja, a napraviti polovično.


Dakle, ne da vam se raditi ritual? Postoji mnogo naizgled svjetovnih stvari koje možete raditi kako biste obilježili sabate, ali i izveli magiju bez kompliciranih rituala i mnoštva potrepština. Potrebno je samo malo mašte i ipak malo vremena. Evo vam onda nekih ideja od mene. :)

Napomena: ove ideje se prvenstveno odnose na obilježavanje sabata (obično se tada ritualima posveti najveća pažnja), ali isto tako mogu vrijediti i za ezbate, ili pak neke druge dane nevezane za ove blagdane kada vi želite odraditi nešto posebno (bilo magijski, ili religijski orijentirano).

  1. Skuhajte nešto fino
    U zadnje vrijeme je jako popularna postala tzv. "kitchen witchery" (slob. prev. kuharsko vještičarstvo) koje se temelji na vjerovanju da je kuhanje također jedan oblik magije ako se energija usmjeri u ono što pravite. Naravno, ne misli se samo na kuhana jela, već i na kolače, domaća pića itd. Ja za svaki sabat imam običaj pripremiti neko jelo koje će mi biti sastavni dio rituala, ali u kojemu će i ostatak obitelji moći uživati. Recepte koje sam do sada upotrebljavala možete naći u sekciji "Vještičja kuharica". Ako vas ovo područje zaista zanima, više informacija možete naći u knjizi Scotta Cunninghama Wicca in the Kitchen.
  2. Budite kreativni
    (glazba i likovnost)
    Svaka osoba može biti kreativna, pa tako i vi! Ne morate raditi ništa previše komplicirano, ali ručni rad je odličan način da svoju energije usmjerite ka nečemu (bilo to slavljenje sabata, ili neki magijski cilj). Ako imate malo više iskustva na ovom području, možete se upustiti u ozbiljnije pothvate poput rezbarenja drva, ili izrade predmeta od metala. Ako imate dara za pletenje ili šivanje, igrajte se s vunom i koncem i sašijte sebi ritualnu odoru ili napravite neku dekoraciju za dom. Neki će od vas možda lijepo slikati ili crtati, pa možete uzeti kist u ruke. Sigurno znate lijepo pisati; ako imate afiniteta prema poeziji onda napišite tematsku pjesmu, a ako vam bolje ide proza onda izmislite vlastiti mit/priču ne određenu temu. A kad ste već napisali pjesmu, zašto je ne pokušati uglazbiti ako znate svirati neki instrument? Za neke ideje, možete pogledati umjetnički kutak ovog bloga.
  3. Gatajte
    Iako postoje neki sabati koji su prikladniji za ovo, možete sebi (i drugima) gatati kada god želite. Iskoristite ove posebne dane da bolje upoznate sebe, bolje shvatite posebnost ovog dana, ili naprosto da vidite što vas čeka u budućnosti. Postoji mnogo načina proricanja, ako niste upoznati s nijednim, možda je ovo dobra prilike da počnete učiti. Za pregled metoda je dobra knjiga Illustrated Encyclopedia of Divination (Stephen Karcher), a dopala mi se i ova pdf knjiga. Pomoću njih možete shvatiti koje vam se metode najviše sviđaju i onda dublje istraživati ono što vama odgovara.
  4. Meditirajte
    Svatko zna meditirati, iako možda neki misle da ne znaju. Postoji raznih načina meditacije; počevši od onih tijekom kojih ste stalno u pokretu, do onih u kojima sjedite i trebate u potpunosti isprazniti um. Skoro svaka knjiga vezana uz wiccu i vještičarstvo ima predložene neke tehnike meditacije. Ako ne znate odakle početi, preporučujem vam da pročitate post na blogu "Naudi nikome" koji se bavi ovom temom, ili pak pogledate popis knjiga u sekciji "Literatura" ovoga bloga. Ako meditirate na način da se fokusirate na nešto, dobra ideja bi bila da vam fokus bude na nečemu vezano za vaš cilj, ili određeni sabat za kojega radite tu meditaciju.
  5. Izađite u prirodu
    Dodirna točka svih paganskih sistema jest ljubav prema prirodu (ali i njezino štovanje). Mnogo ćete više naučiti o određenom sabatu, ili uopće o paganskim načelima, ako odete u prirodu i svjesno doživite prirodne sile oko sebe. Ovo je odličan način da se opustite i da se povežete sa sobom i svojom okolinom. Ja često znam otići u prirodu biciklom i ponijeti ručnik, bocu vode i knjige; malo meditiram, malo čitam i vrijeme proleti za čas! Za neke fine vježbe koje možete napraviti, pogledajte moj prijašnji post "Sjedinjavanje s prirodom".
  6. Družite se i razgovarajte
    Sabati su ipak slavlja...pa onda slavite! Ako već ne želite obavljati formalne rituale, možete obaviti onaj društveniji dio rituala. Skupite društvo, nabavite neko fino piće i hrane na bacanje i proslavite ono što se već treba slaviti na taj dan! Ako vam pak nije do nekakvih "fešti", nađite se na piću s nekolicinom prijatelja koji razumiju što se zbiva i popričajte o tome. Ako već nemate nekoga s kime biste podijelili ovakve stvari, možete sami o tome razmišljati i zapisivati vaše misli. A na kraju krajeva je i internet solidna opcija; postoji mnogo foruma na kojima možete naći svoje istomišljenike pa zašto ne s njima popričati? Čim ste svjesni da je taj dan posebniji zbog nečega, on će i biti posebniji. 
Naravno, svaki sabat ima neke posebne aktivnosti koje se uklapaju u doba godine ili se slažu s naravi samog blagdana. U prethodnim tekstovima o sabatima sam predložila neke koje su već dugo vremena uvriježene, makar se o tome može pisati u nedogled. Ono što sam ja iznijela je samo mali broj običaja, a ako vi naiđete na još neke, svakako bih voljela čuti za njih! 

Jasno mi je da će nekima biti neobično što pišem o ritualima na ovaj način, ali morate zapamtiti da je paganizam jako fleksibilan (pogotovo ako radite sami). Nemojte se ustručavati prilagoditi neke stvari svojim potrebama; ako radite duplu smjenu na dan jednog od sabata, nećete imati energije za ritual navečer. Radije se naspavajte i napravite ga dan-dva kasnije kada skupite snagu. Ukratko, posvetite pažnju duhovnosti kada ste mirni na materijalnom planu. Ovaj odnos duhovnog i materijalnog u paganizmu je svakako jedna jako zanimljiva tema kojoj planiran posvetiti pažnju u jednom od sljedećih postova. 

Za sada se nadam da ste našli odgovore u ovome postu koje ste tražili te da sam vas barem malo opustila ako ništa drugo. Želim vam puno sreće u daljnjim radovima, bili oni u atelijeru, kuhinji ili u prirodi. :)

Vaša Witch's Cat

"I don't feel like it..."

You must have said this sentence a thousand times up to now. And even if you haven't said it to someone, you probably have to yourself. I know I have because I've been repeating it for the past few days.

One of the factors which influenced this passivity of mine is the lack of people with which I can practice my religion freely (with the exception of a wonderful group of people who live on the other side of the country and a handful of promising individuals in my hometown with which I haven't yet had the privilege to work with). Most people find it more titillating and intense to work in a group than by oneself, which is why this post is dedicated to all you Solitaries out there who find yourselves in this dilemma.

In case you don't know, I live in a town called Split, and the stereotype here definitely includes laziness (although we have a less coarse word for that here). And believe me, you will often hear this phrase in Split. Maybe society has finally gotten to me, or may just be the autumn rain and gloomy clouds over all our heads, but I really don't feel like doing anything. I would be the happiest person in the world if I could just stay home with a nice cup of tea and read all day. So one day, while I was drinking tea, I got to thinking about this state of mind and then started feeling guilty for not performing my Mabon ritual as planned.

In fact, I was planning to do a short ritual (as I always do for Sabbats when I'm not in a group), mark that day with some nice food and drinks and other small gestures. It just so happened that I had a trip planned on the day after Mabon so I found myself focusing too much on the holiday planning; so much that I forgot to plan my Mabon celebration! I approximately knew what I needed so grabbed some groceries, materials for the decorations I planned to make etc. But the ritual remained unwritten. In the end, I came to the conclusion that I really have no desire to perform and improvised ritual this time; I hadn't put any effort into it so it would have probably left me completely apathetic. So I just admitted that I don't feel like it...

So in this post, I'll address the issue of "laziness" in ritual and magical practice. We are all human after all, and we don't always have to have the energy or the will power to do everything, so why do something under coercion?

Nothing Good Comes from Force

Imagine you're trying to fit your whole closet into a small suitcase. Of course all of it won't fit! If you use force to close the suitcase, you can only break it. Then you won't even have a suitcase anymore!

This is usually what it's like in life. It's best not to use force in any situation because you can only end up hurting yourself and/or others (also, remember the Wiccan Rede: "Harm none").

In a previous post entitled "Magick and Wicca", I mentioned two factors which I find important when doing magic and rituals and they are feeling and intention. To quote myself:
"This intention has to stay constant and stable throughout the whole magical work; from the establishment of the essential idea, through the preparations, execution of the plan all the way to the end of the whole performance (and preferably even after this). In doing all of this, you put more and more energy into that specific magical rite, and the more energy there is, the better the outcome will be (imagine it like making bread; the more times you knead the dough, the more time, effort and energy you put into it, the better and tastier the bread will be).
 The second factor is feeling. Without feeling, you won't get very far. You have to feel what you do and be excited about it. This is why it is recommended that every individual does magic only for themselves or for a certain goal that induces subjective feelings and emotions. Basically, the more you want something to succeed, the bigger the chances are that it actually will!"
Now imagine you find yourself saying that you don't feel like doing a certain ritual. You won't have any motivation, the intention will be weak, and don't even get me started on feeling! So what's the point in doing a ritual which you will do only superficially? Can you even achieve anything with it? My answer is no.

Is It Pointless? 

There have been a few discussions on this topic so I would like to give my opinion on the subject, as well as the opposing viewpoint. So allow me to begin with my side of the story.

I believe that any ritual (be it magical or religious) which a person has to force/persuade him/herself to do is pointless. Rituals requite a lot of energy being put into them, so why waste energy if you're not going to do it properly? Also, rituals aren't like homework; you aren't there just to pass and they aren't obligatory. Besides, gods aren't like teachers who grade you and they don't believe that the most important thing is just to get something done, but rather to do something with love and willfully. The moment a person starts perceiving something as an obligation, they lose their will to do it.

Others, on the other hand, will claim that magic is a discipline which has to be practiced often and regularly attended to in order to work. It's the same case with rituals in this case. People who think like this are usually very systematic and often stick to a certain "timetable" of rituals which is often so detailed that they know what day and what hour they have to perform a rite. This may be good in a practical sense, but it just seems too cold to me.

Although I do agree that magic is a discipline/craft and that a person can fall out of habit, but also that they can quickly get back into shape (it's worth noting that the beginnings, while one still hasn't gained this "shape" or "stamina" are the hardest).

It goes without saying that you're free to have and express your own opinions about this. You may agree with me, or you may not. I can't say either theories are correct/wrong in a general sense, but they can be wrong/right for an individual.


You may sometimes be able to blame laziness for not "being able" to do something, but apathy is also a very common issue that may stop you from getting up and being active. If laziness is your problem, then I recommend that you work on that since it can be a big obstacle later in your life. Then again, if you're dealing with a usual amount of apathy, then that's all healthy and natural.

If you are apathetic during a certain period and really don't have the energy to carry out a ritual, then simply don't do it! Find some replacements for the ritual that suite you better at that time and try to set aside at least a bit of time and will power to dedicate to your goal. The way in which you do this isn't that important. :) And don't worry, I'll suggest a few alternative options at the end of the post to help you out.


As I already said, we are all human. We can all get both physically and even mentally ill (e.g. when we have a high fever and aren't able to think straight) and not be able to carry out a ritual. This is more than a valid excuse.

Imagine yourself doing a ritual, sneezing and blowing out half the candles and also blowing away a load of incense ash and who knows what else. Or what if you have a high fever! You won't even be able to stand on your feet properly, let alone run in the circle lifting energy. And there's not point even talking about raising energy since we don't have enough of it for ourselves when you're sick.

We can only make the situation worse for ourselves if we send off energy that we need to regain our strength and health. In this case, I believe that it is best to postpone the ritual for another time when you can do it properly rather than stick to a strict time limit and do it superficially.


So you don't feel like doing a ritual? There are many seemingly mundane things that you can do in order to celebrate the Sabbats but also do magic without the complicated rituals and a whole bunch of materials. All you will need is a bit of imagination as well as some time (it is needed after all). So here are some ideas from me. :)

Note: these ideas are primarily intended for marking the Sabbats (since this is when most attention is payed to the ritualistic aspect), but they can also be valid for Esbats or perhaps other days on which you want to do something special (be it a ritual or magic) even though this doesn't necessarily have any connection to the aforementioned celebrations.
  1. Cook something nice
    Kitchen witchery has become very popular recently. The basic idea of it is that cooking is also a form of magic if you direct energy into what you are making. Of course, this doesn't include only cooking meals but also baking cakes, making home-made drinks etc. It has become a tradition for me to make something nice for each Sabbat, and that something brings a smile to my family's and friends' faces, but it also makes my ritual nicer. If you want to see what I have prepared so far, then have a look at the section entitled "A Witch's Cookbook". If kitchen witchery interests you more, you can find more information on it in Scott Cunningham's book Wicca in the Kitchen.
  2. Be Creative
    (music and visual art)
    Everyone can be creative, and so can you! You don't have to make anything too complicated, but any form of handiwork is an excellent way to direct your energy towards a certain goal (be it celebrating a Sabbat or an alternate magical goal). If you have more experience in this field of expertise, then perhaps you can try something more complicated like wood carving or metalwork. If you have a gift for knitting or sewing then get your hands on some yarn or thread and make yourself a ritual robe or a decoration for your home. Some of you may know how to draw/paint well so you can pick up a paint brush. You must know how to write nicely; if you prefer poetry then write a thematic poem, or if you prefer prose, then write your own story/myth based on a certain theme. Since you've already written a song, then why not add music to it if you know how to play an instrument? For some ideas, you can have a look at the art corner of this blog. 
  3. Pick a Divination Technique
    Even though some Sabbats are more appropriate for divining, you can do this for yourself and others whenever you feel like it. Use the energy of these special times of the year to get to know yourself better, understand the specificity of that day or simply to see what awaits you in the future. Many divination techniques exist, so if you're not familiar with any of them, perhaps this is a good time to get acquainted. A good overview can be found in the book Illustrated Encyclopedia of Divination (Stephen Karcher) and I also think this e-book could be useful. They can help you find out which techniques you like the best and motivate you to look more into the subject.
  4. Meditate
    Everyone knows how to meditate, although some may now be aware of this knowledge. There are many way to meditate, starting from the ones which include movement to the ones which require no movement and an empty mind. Almost every book on Wicca and Witchcraft has some meditation techniques in it. If you don't know where to begin, I recommend you have a look at a related blog post on the blog "Harm None" (although it is in Croatian). The second best thing I can give you is this link. For more meditation tips and techniques, have a look at the "Literature" section of this blog. If you are meditating by focusing on something, then I would recommend focusing on something related to your goal or the Sabbat you are performing that meditation on.
  5. Visit Nature
    Love of nature (and its celebration and reverence) is what all Pagan faiths have in common. You will learn much more about a Sabbat or any Pagan principle by going out into nature and consciously experiencing nature than you would by reading a thousand books. This is a great way to relax and to reconnect with yourself as well as your surroundings. I often go for a bike ride into nature with a beach towel, a bottle of water and a good book. I read a bit and I meditate...the time just flies by! For some more ideas on what to do in nature, have a look at my previous post entitled "Communing with Nature".
  6. Spend Time and Chat with Your Friends
    Sabbats are celebrations after all...so celebrate! If you don't want to do the formal part of the ritual, then do the social part. Get your friends together, get something nice to eat and drink and celebrate whatever there is to celebrate on that day! If you don't feel all that festive, then just get a small group of friends together who know what's going on and talk about it. If you don't have anyone which whom you can share these kinds of things, you can just meditate on it or write your thoughts down. Then again, the Internet isn't that bad an option; there are many forums where you can find like-minded people so why now talk to them? If you are aware of that day being special for some reason, that will make it all the more special.
Of course, each Sabbat has some specific traditions for that time of year or that just fits into the context of that festival. In my previous posts on the Sabbats, I listed some traditions that have been around for quite some time (although that isn't even a tenth of what exists). The lists I made are made up of only a few traditions to get you going, but feel free to do some research on your own...and do inform me if you find something interesting. :)

I realize that some may find it strange to hear me talking about rituals in this manner, but you have to remember that Paganism is very flexible (especially when you're a Solitary). Don't hesitate to adapt some things to your needs; if you happen to be working a double shift on a Sabbat then you won't have enough energy to carry out a ritual that evening. It's better to just sleep it off and postpone the ritual for a day or two when you will have more energy. In short, focus on your spiritual path when you're calm on the material plane. This relationship between the spiritual and mundane in Paganism is a very interesting topic which I definitely plan to write about in one of my future posts.

For now, I hope you found the answers to your questions in this post and that I at least manage to relax you a bit. I wish you all the best in your future works; be they in your atelier, kitchen or in nature. :)

Witch's Cat