
Ritualna upotreba droga

Sioux Indijanac s lulom
Teme droga sam se dotakla još odavno u postu "Metle (Mogu li vještice zaista letjeti?)" gdje sam objasnila da su se halucinogenim drogama koristile vještice još od 15. stoljeća. Naravno, postoje brojne druge kulture koje su koristile droge u duhovne svrhe davno prije ovog vremena (neke od kojih ih i dan danas koriste) poput južnoameričkih domorodaca koji žive na području Amazonske prašume, antičkih Grka, Indijanaca (brojna plemena), sibirskih šamana i, na novijem primjeru, rastafarijanci. Više o upotrebi droga u ovim kulturama i razlozima istoga ću objasniti tijekom posta makar je primarni naglasak na upotrebi droga u paganskim ritualima i općem stavu pagana prema drogama.

Enteogeni - droge korištene u duhovne svrhe

Enteogeni (eng. entheogen; ovo je moj vlastiti prijevod ovog izraza) su po definiciji bilo koje kemijske supstance koje se koriste u religijske/duhovne svrhe, odnosno u religijskom/duhovnom kontekstu s ciljem postizanja izmijenjenog stanja svijesti. Ove kemijske supstance mogu biti prirodne, kao što i jesu u većini slučajeva (npr. ayahuaska, kanabis, bunika, peyote itd.), ili pak sintetičke (npr. DMT, meskalin, psilocibin itd.).

Engleska riječ entheogen ima korijen u grčkim riječima entheos (ἔνθεος) i genesthai (γενέσθαι). Entheos u doslovnom prijevodu znači "ispunjeno Bogom, inspirirano, obuzeto", a genesthai znači "ostvariti se/postati". Dakle, enteogeni su po etimologiji supstance koje inspiriraju ljude i ispunjavaju ih božanskom silom.

Mnogi ljudi koji se bave magijom, okultizmom u širem smislu, paganizmom (ili bilo kojim od njegovih pravaca) ili izvode rituale (bilo magijske ili devocijske) rade to, između ostalog, s ciljem postizanja nekog izmijenjenog stanja svijesti. Ovakvo stanje za svaku osobu znači nešto drukčije; za nekoga će značiti kontakt s nekim višim bićem, za drugoga introspekciju, samospoznaju, rješavanje internih/eksternih problema/konflikata itd. Razlozi su ovdje manje važni. Ono što jest važno je razlog upotrebe enteogena koji se nije promijenio od pamtivijeka. Prije spomenuto izmijenjeno stanje svijesti ima (i imalo je) brojna imena: trans, ekstaza, molitva, nirvana, blaženstvo..., ali u srži se u svakom slučaju radi o nekom drukčijem stanju svijesti od onog u kojemu se nalazimo svakodnevno. U njegovoj pozadini se krije duhovna žeđ koju pojedinac želi utažiti i u tome nema ništa loše. Samo ako nismo spremni za to i nesvjesni posljedica svojih djela tvrdoglavo guramo naprijed bez obzira na sve...ishod može biti samo loš.

Primjeri upotrebe enteogena

Peyote kaktus
Enteogeni su bili prisutni još u drevnoj Kini, antičkoj Grčkoj, kroz srednji vijek pa do danas. Primjerice kanabis, jedan od najčešće korištenih enteogena, se koristio u Kini, Europi i Indiji još prije više tisuća godina i njegovo korištenje je zabilježeno u sufizmu, rastafarijanizmu te kod sadhua (svetih ljudi, asketa) u hinduizmu.

Većini ljudi je poznata upotreba droga poput peyotea na području Amerike (većinom od strane određenih skupina Indijanaca). Radi se zapravo o prirodnoj drogi koja se dobiva iz istoimenog kaktusa koji sadrži halucinogeni alkaloid po imenu meskalin. Njegova uporaba je počela na području današnjeg Meksika, a s vremenom se proširila i na područje Sjeverne Amerike.

Indijanski šamani su također poznati po tome što puše duhan tijekom rituala. U nekim plemenima to smiju raditi samo šamani dok u drugima (često u onima u kojima je uobičajeno da cijelo pleme sudjeluje u ritualu) to smiju svi pripadnici plemena. Ako puši samo šaman, onda se obično radi o čistom duhanu bez halucinogena. Tada se potiče prekomjerni unos duhana kako bi se uzrokovala drukčija stanja svijesti, trans ili halucinacije što je često popraćeno negativnim efektima na fizičko tijelo - povraćanjem, grčevima pa čak i komatoznim stanjima. Ako u konzumiranju duhana sudjeluje cijelo pleme, ponekad se radi sok od duhana kojeg se onda pije do povraćanja jer se vjeruje da ovo pomaže u otklanjanju drugih bolesti i jačanju tijela. Duhan se također puši, žvače ili naprosto drži u ustima između usne u zubnog mesa kako bi se upio kroz žlijezde.

Pravljenje napitka ayahuaske
Duhan se od strane nekih šamana koristi unutar napitka ayahuaske makar naprosto kao dodatak samoj biljci ayahuaske od koje se napitak pravi. Ovaj enteogen je uobičajen na području Južne Amerike, a posebice Amazonske prašume. Tatula je također poznata među Indijancima, a ni koka im nije strana (barem ne tamo gdje su je uspjeli kultivirati). Ipak, posljednje dvije se znatno manje koriste od duhana.

Sibirski šamani u svojim ritualima koriste gljivu muharu, a neki smatraju da se upravo od nje radilo indijsko ritualno piće some.

Smatra se da su germanski narodi koristili opijumski mak u magijske svrhe (od kojeg se danas dobiva opijum koji, usput rečeno, odmah izaziva ovisnost) te da su antički Grci, a moguće i vještice u srednjem vijeku koristile buniku u svojim vjerskim praksama.

Opijumski mak
Gljiva muhara

Postoje i brojne druge biljke koje su se koristile/se koriste kao enteogeni poput božanske kadulje, psilocibinskih gljiva, plavog lotusa i tako dalje. Sve se one razlikuju u načinu djelovanja, ali njihova funkcija kao enteogen u ovom kontekstu ostaje nepromijenjena.

Opasnost korištenja enteogena

Iako su enteogeni droge koje se koriste u religijske/duhovne svrhe, ne smijemo zaboraviti da su one svejedno droge i da velik broj njih izaziva ovisnosti. Najopasnije po ovom pitanju su svakako opijumski mak, kanabis i koka. 

Moguće je da su šamani i mudri ljudi drugih kultura bili svjesni ovoga i stoga rezervirali korištenje ovakvih droga isključivo za one najodgovornije, najiskusnije i najmudrije u zajednici. Na ovu temu Patricia Crowther, značajna spisateljica na temu wicce i vještičarstva, u svojoj knjizi Lid off the Cauldron kaže sljedeće:
"Desperation has given the modern drug craze a recognition it does not deserve. It can be argued that some drugs do raise the consciousness to a more spiritual level. Yet, it is an artificial stimulation which requires repeated induction. This, in turn, leads naturally to a stage when the person becomes well and truly 'hooked'. It is true that in ancient times certain drugs were used for transcendental purposes, but these were kept secret, and their uses given only to the wisest among the priesthood.
Most medicines are poisons and have to be administered in the correct quantity, and only for a specific period. How much more dangerous is the use of drugs which affect the brain cells! We yet know so little about the brain and its capabilities, which only now, in the present day, are being explored. The methods which are taught in the Old Religion are completely natural, and the resulting extension of consciousness, although attained more slowly, is one which allows continuation of growth and enlightenment."
Slobodan prijevod: Očaj je pridao modernoj pomami za drogama više pozornosti nego što zaslužuje. Može se tvrditi da neke droge zaista podižu svjesnost na više duhovnu razinu. Ipak, radi se o umjetnoj stimulaciji koja zahtijeva višestruku indukciju. Zauzvrat, ovo prirodno vodi stadiju kada osoba uistinu postane ovisna. Istina je da su u davna vremena neke droge bile korištene u transcendentalne svrhe, ali njih se držalo skrivenima, a načini njihove upotrebe otkriveni samo onima najmudrijima u svećenstvu.
Većina lijekova je otrovna i treba ih se uzimati u ispravnoj količini i to samo tijekom specifičnog perioda. Koliko je samo opasnija upotreba droga koje utječu na moždane stanice! Još znamo toliko malo o umu i njegovim sposobnostima koje se tek sada, u današnje vrijeme, istražuju. Metode koje se poučavaju u Staroj vjeri su u potpunosti prirodne, a rezultirajući produžetak svjesnosti, premda postignut sporije, je produžetak koji omogućava nastavak rasta i prosvjetljenja.

Pod umjetnom stimulacijom spisateljica misli na upotrebu droga u magijske, ritualne, duhovne ili religiozne svrhe i kontrastira ovu metodu s prirodnima (postizanje izmijenjenog stanja svijesti bez pomoći droga). Pod "Stara vjera" misli na wiccu i vještičarstvo, makar sada neću ulaziti u detalje o ovom terminu (više o njemu možete pročitati u pojmovniku). Kako god bilo, jasno je da Patricia Crowther upozorava na opasnosti mentalne pa i fizičke ovisnosti o drogama te na iznimnu odgovornost koja dolazi s upotrebnom istih. Po  njoj je najsigurnija i najbolja metoda postizanja izmijenjenog stanja svijesti i dostizanja "više" duhovne sfere ona prirodna - bez droga.

Josephine McCarthy (Magical Knowledge II), poznata okultistica i kvalitetna autorica na temu magije i okultizma iznosi još jedno važno upozorenje:
"In Western culture, using drugs to catapult yourself into the inner worlds is also not that bright, unless you know exactly what you are doing and where you are going. Really the only safe way to work in the inner worlds using drugs is if you are working within a cultural/religious structure that is designed for such use i.e. shamanic/native cultures.
Hallucinogenic drugs strip a layer of protective skin from the consciousness and allow you to see and access places that you would normally be blocked from seeing (for your own good usually). When you go magically into vision, you develop inner `muscles' for want of a better description, that uphold and protect you as you work. If you bypass this natural but lengthy process of strengthening by using drugs, you are often thrown straight to the threshold of your existence.
Slobodan prijevod: U zapadnjačkoj kulturi, upotreba droga da se osoba katapultira u unutrašnje svjetove također nije baš najpametnija stvar osim ako ne znate točno što radite i gdje idete. Zapravo, jedini sigurni način rada u unutrašnjim svjetovima uz pomoć droga jest ako se radi u sklopu kulture/religijske strukture koja je konstruirana za njihovu upotrebu poput šamanskih/domorodačkih kultura.
Halucinogene droge ogule sloj zaštitne kože sa svijesti i omoguće vam da vidite i pristupite mjestima koja bi vam inače bila blokirana (obično za vašu vlastitu sigurnost). Kada magijski uđete u viziju, razvijate unutrašnje "mišiće", u nedostatku boljeg opisa, koji vas podržavaju i štite tijekom rada. Ako osoba zaobiđe ovaj prirodni, ali dugačak proces jačanja tako da se koristi drogama, obično bude izbačena ravno na prag vlastitog postojanja.

Pojam "unutrašnji svjetovi" je od posebne važnosti za Patricijino djelo iz kojeg je ovaj citat izvađen, ali je za sada dovoljno reći da se u suštini radi o introspekciji i opet o alternativnom stanju svijesti. Pod "magijsko" ulaženje u vizije, autorica misli na postizanje izmijenjenih stanja svijesti uz pomoć vlastite volje i snage, uz kontrolu energije i s jasnom namjerom (što su sve uvjeti za izvođenje magije). Korištenjem droga, osoba u potpunosti podcjenjuje vlastitu snagu i kontrolu i u procesu ih praktički odbacuje u zamjenu za prividnu snagu i kontrolu koje neke droge znaju dati. A suvišno je uopće reći da velik broj droga može ubiti volju (a ponekad i svu kontrolu) te pomutiti namjere i razum time dovodeći osobu u pasivni, često bespomoćan položaj.

Uz opasnost od mentalne i/ili fizičke ovisnosti o nekoj drogi, iskustava za koje osoba nije spremna te, uzročno-posljedično, od negativnih emocionalnih i duhovnih (a nerijetko i fizičkih) posljedica, postoji i ona legalna strana priče. Generalno rečeno, enteogeni imaju psihoaktivno djelovanje (što znači da se radi o kemijskim supstancama koje mijenjaju funkcije mozga i rezultiraju u izmijenjenim percepcijama, raspoloženjima ili stanjima svijesti), a velika većina psihoaktivnih droga je ilegalna u svijetu. Dakle, ako osoba konzumira neku ilegalnu supstancu ili ako je samo posjeduje i ako bude uhvaćena od strane autoriteta, ona će snositi zakonske posljedice.

Usprkos legalnim preprekama, neki se ipak odluče na korištenje droga u duhovne svrhe (makar se oni mudriji odluče za drogu koja ne uzrokuje ikoji oblik ovisnosti). Neki to rade unutar rituala, a neki van formalne duhovne prakse. To je manje važno jer svrha ostaje ista, što znači da se ne radi o običnoj drogi već o enteogenu.

Enteogeni u paganskoj praksi

Josephine McCarthy i Patricia Crowther su cijenjene autorice u paganskim krugovima i uvelike odražavaju stav većina pagana na ovu temu. Ipak, neki pagani, magičari i okultisti ne dijele njihovo mišljenje i smatraju da korištenje droga može samo poboljšati njihovu duhovnu praksu.

Nekima će neminovno u ovom kontekstu pasti na pamet Aleister Crowley koji je eksperimentirao s brojnim drogama rekreativno i u sklopu svojih magijskih i duhovnih praksi. Među drogama koje je koristio se ubrajaju kokain, hašiš, peyote, heroin i drugi. Poznato je da je bio ovisan o heroinu koji mu je izvorno dat kao lijek za astmu (što je u tadašnje vrijeme bilo uobičajeno), makar to ne mijenja činjenicu da ga je kasnije koristio kao enteogen.

Očito je da postoje i pagani (kao i magičari i okultisti) koji su za korištenje enteogena. Njihova razmišljanja pojašnjava Dana D. Eilers i svojoj knjizi The Practical Pagan:
"...be aware that in the traditions that encompass the ritual use of illegal drugs for purposes of magick or the expansion of consciousness, the rules and expectations regarding that drug use are usually fairly precise and well established. This means that for Pagans who do utilize drugs in a ritualistic, magickal, or ceremonial fashion, their drug usage is not merely a matter of recreation and escapism. For these Pagans, ritualistic drug use is a true path to enlightenment, much as the use of peyote is to certain Native American spiritual traditions. Let me stress that Paganism is not an excuse to engage in illegal activity and then claim protection under the First Amendment. It does not work that way, and the quicker we all understand that, the better off we will be."
Slobodan prijevod: ...budite svjesni da u tradicijama koje prihvaćaju ritualno korištenje ilegalnih droga za magijske svrhe ili s ciljem širenja svijesti, pravila i očekivanja po pitanju upotrebe ovih droga su obično prilično precizna i dobro uspostavljena. To znači da za pagane koji koriste droge u ritualnom, magijskom ili ceremonijalnom kontekstu, korištenje droga nije samo pitanje razonode i bijega od stvarnosti. Za ove pagane, ritualna upotreba droga je istinski put do prosvjetljenja jednako koliko je u određenim Indijanskim duhovnim tradicijama to upotreba peyotea. Dozvolite mi da naglasim da paganizam nije opravdanje da se osoba počne baviti ilegalnim aktivnostima i da potom traži zaštitu u Prvom amandmanu. Tako stvari ne funkcioniraju i što prije to shvatimo, to će nam biti bolje.

Ne postoji nijedno pravilo u paganizmu, barem ne koliko je meni poznato, koje izričito brani korištenje enteogena. Stoga su mišljenja podvojena. Neki pagani će biti dovoljno sigurni u svoju sposobnost samokontrole i kontrole uopće te će sebi dozvoliti korištenje psihoaktivnih tvari dok će drugi zauzeti stav da im takvo što ne treba za postizanje izmijenjenog stanja svijesti ili da naprosto ne želi koristiti droge u ovu svrhu. Time nipošto ne impliciram da oni koji se odluče na korištenje enteogena nisu sposobni postići drugo stanje svijesti bez njih. Osobno smatram da su određene kulture i duhovnosti pogodne za korištenje enteogena i da je u nekima ova praksa postala toliko uobičajena da se ukorijenila u tradiciju. Neopaganizam je prilično nova duhovna praksa (ako se ne uzmu u obzir njezini korijeni) i kao takva još razvija svoju tradiciju. Neopagani mogu biti eklektični po nekom pogledu i prihvaćati utjecaje iz ovih ili onih duhovnih praksi čiji je sastavni dio upotreba enteogena, ali smatram da se takvo što ne može nazvati paganskom praksom. Barem ne još (makar će samo vrijeme moći pokazati hoće li to postati paganskom praksom ili ne).

Za kraj bih citirala Iolara koji u svojoj knjizi Paganizam u teoriji i praksi: Doktrina paganizma sažima ovu raspravu u nekoliko paragrafa:
"Iz šamanskih tradicija potječe i običaj ritualnog korištenja psihoaktivnih (ili psihotropnih) tvari koje se u današnje vrijeme prohibicije i urote pogrešno nazivaju droge. Smisao uzimanja takvih tvari nipošto nije besmisleno "drogiranje" ili stvaranje ovisnosti. Naprotiv, smisao je u povezivanju s duhovnim dimenzijama. Određene tvari naprosto mijenjaju stanje svijesti, pa se mogu iskoristiti u duhovne svrhe, ali samo ako točno znamo koje tvari treba uzeti, kako i koliko. Među milijunima biljnih vrsta, šamani su znali točno koje biljke kako utječu na svijest i u kojem ih omjeru treba uzeti. Kada god bi ih netko upitao kako mogu znati točnu informaciju, šamani bi odgovorili: Pa biljke su nam rekle. Riječ je o iznimno moćnim duhovnim tradicijama kojima se ne možete "baviti", nego im se morate posvetiti. U mnogim državama svijeta, neke od tih tvari su nezakonite, pa to treba uzeti u obzir. 
Već je rečeno da Svjetski paganski krug prihvaća samo uporabu psihodeličnih tvari poput tetrahidrokanabinola (THC) iz marihuane i hašiša (koji se pak dobivaju iz biljke konoplje), psilocibina, ibogaina, dimetiltriptamina (DMT), meskalina, LSD-a, atropina, salvinorina i sl. Dakle, nipošto se ne rabe jake i opojne droge, poput depresanata (npr. alkohol, heroin, morfin, opijum), antipsihotika, ali ni stimulansa koji ne utječu na širenje svijesti i spoznaje (poput kokaina ili amfetamina). 
Uzimanje psihoaktivnih tvari nije nužno da bi se postigao trans! Štoviše, većina suvremenih neopaganskih autora smatra da je mnogo veći učinak ako samovoljno dođemo do transa. Tada smo sigurni da ćemo sve imati pod kontrolom, što ne mora biti slučaj kod psihotropnih tvari. Ipak, ta mogućnost postoji, no za to je potrebno kvalitetno duhovno vodstvo..."
Na kraju krajeva, vi ste ti koji odlučujete na koji način ćete prakticirati svoju duhovnost. U paganizmu nedostaje strogih pravila po pitanju mnogo toga (i to je upravo ono što velik broj ljudi privlači kod ovog duhovnog pravca), pa tako i po pitanju ritualne upotrebe droga. Ipak, baš zbog toga što nema strogih pravila se pojedinca potiče da snosi odgovornost za svoja djela, da postane aktivan u vlastitom životu i da raste kao osoba. Moje mišljenje ste mogli shvatiti iz ovoga posta makar je to manje važno pošto ćete vi naposljetku sami donijeti odluku. Ja vas jedino mogu zamoliti da pri donošenju svoje odluke uzmete u obzir spomenuta upozorenja te da svjesno (znajući kako, zašto i koliko) i odgovorno djelujete.

Do sljedećeg posta,
vaša Witch's Cat

Ritual Drug Use

A Sioux Indian smoking a pipe
I have touched upon the topic of drugs quite a while back in a previous post entitled "Broomsticks (Can Witches Really Fly?)" where I explained that witches used to use hallucinogenic drugs as far back as the 15th century. Of course, there are numerous other cultures which used drugs for spiritual purposes long before this (some of them still do this today) such as South American natives which live around the Amazon, ancient Greeks, Native Americans (several tribes), Siberian shamans and, to give a more recent example, Rastafarians. I will write more on drug use in these cultures and the reasons for this in this post, although the primary focus will be on drug use in Pagan rituals and the general Pagan stance on drugs.

Entheogens - Drugs Used for Spiritual Purposes

By definition, entheogens are any chemical substances used in religious/spiritual purposes, or rather in a religious/spiritual context with the aim of achieving an altered state of consciousness. They can be natural, as is usually the case (e.g. ayahuasca, cannabis, henbane, peyote etc.) or synthetic (e.g. DMT, mescalin, psilocybin etc.).

The word entheogen itself is made up of the Greek words entheos (ἔνθεος) and genesthai (γενέσθαι). Literally translated, entheos means "full of God, inspired, possessed" and genesthai means "to come into being". So, entheogens can etymologically be defined as substances which inspire people and fill them with a divine force.

Many people which are involved in magic, occultism in the broader sense, paganism (or any of its denominations) or perform rituals (be they magical or devotional) do this with the aim of achieving an altered state of consciousness, among other reasons. This state means something different for everyone; for some it may mean contact with a higher being, for others introspection, self-realization, resolving internal/external problems/conflicts etc. The reasons are less important here. What is important is the reason behind using entheogens which hasn't changed since humankind can recall. The aforementioned alternate state of consciousness has (and has had) many names: trance, ecstasy, prayer, nirvana, bliss...but essentially we are always dealing with some different kind of state of consciousness than that which we find ourselves in every day. In its background, what can be found is spiritual thirst which a person wants to quench and there is nothing bad in this. But if we aren't ready for this and stubbornly push forward not matter what, oblivious to the consequences of our actions...then the outcome can only be bad.

Examples of Entheogen Usage

Peyote cactus
Entheogens existed in ancient China, ancient Greece, through the Middle Ages and onward until today. For example, cannabis, one of the most often used entheogens, was used in China, Europe and India thousands of years ago and its use has been recorded in Sufism, Rastafarianism and among the Sadhu (holy people, ascetics) in Hinduism.

Most people know about the use of drugs such as peyote in the Americas (mainly by certain groups of Native Americans). Peyote is, in fact, a natural drug which is produced from a cactus of the same name which contains a hallucinogenic alkaloid called mescaline. Its use first began in what is now Mexico and spread into North America in time.

Indian Shamans are also well-known for smoking tobacco during their rituals. In some tribes, only the Shamans themselves are allowed to do this, while in others (usually the ones where it is customary for the whole tribe to take part in the rituals), all members of the tribe are allowed to smoke. If it is only the Shaman who smokes, then the tobacco is usually pure and without any hallucinogens. This is when overuse of the tobacco is prompted to cause an altered state of consciousness, trance or hallucinations which are often followed by negative effects on the physical body - vomiting, cramps, or even comatose states. If the whole tribe takes part in smoking the tobacco, sometimes tobacco juice is prepare which is then drunk until vomiting follows because it is believed that this aids in removing illnesses and that it strengthens the body. Tobacco can also be smoked, chewed, or simply held in the mouth between the lip and gums so it can be absorbed through the glands.

Making ayahuasca
Some Shamans use tobacco to prepare a drink called ayahuasca, although it is only an addition in this case to the actual plant called ayahuasca which is the primary ingredient. This entheogen is common in South America, especially in the Amazon rainforest. Jimson weed is also well-known among Native Americans and cocaine is not unfamiliar to them (at least not in the areas where they were able to cultivate it). Still, the last two entheogens are used much less than tobacco.

Siberian Shamans use the Fly Agaric mushroom in their rituals and some believe it was precisely this plant that was used as the main ingredient for the Indian ritual drink of soma.

It is believed that Germanic tribes used opium poppy for magical purposes (today opium is extracted from this plant although it is worth noting that both are highly addictive) and that ancient Greeks and possibly even witches in the Middle Ages used henbane in their religious practices.

Opium poppy
Fly Agaric

There are many more plants that were/are used as entheogens such as divine sage, psilocybin mushrooms, blue lily and so on. All of them differ according to their effects, but their function as an entheogen in this context doesn't change.

Risks of Using Entheogens

Although entheogens are drugs used in religious/spiritual purposes, we mustn't forget that they are still drugs and that a large number of them causes addiction. The most dangerous of them in this sense are opium poppy, cannabis and coca. 

It is highly possible that Shamans and the wise men and women of other cultures were aware of this and therefore reserved the right to use such substances only for the most responsible, experienced and wisest in the community. On this matter, Patricia Crowther, an important author on the subject of Wicca and witchcraft, says the following in her book Lid off the Cauldron:
"Desperation has given the modern drug craze a recognition it does not deserve. It can be argued that some drugs do raise the consciousness to a more spiritual level. Yet, it is an artificial stimulation which requires repeated induction. This, in turn, leads naturally to a stage when the person becomes well and truly 'hooked'. It is true that in ancient times certain drugs were used for transcendental purposes, but these were kept secret, and their uses given only to the wisest among the priesthood. Most medicines are poisons and have to be administered in the correct quantity, and only for a specific period. How much more dangerous is the use of drugs which affect the brain cells! We yet know so little about the brain and its capabilities, which only now, in the present day, are being explored. The methods which are taught in the Old Religion are completely natural, and the resulting extension of consciousness, although attained more slowly, is one which allows continuation of growth and enlightenment."
By "artificial stimulation", the author means the use of drugs in magical, ritual, spiritual or religious purposes. She contrasts this method to the natural one (achieving and altered state of consciousness without the help of drugs). By "Old Religion", she means Wicca and witchcraft, although I won't go into the details of this term (you can read more on it in the glossary). In any case, it is clear that Patricia Crowther is warning against the danger of both mental and physical addiction to drugs and that she emphasizes the great responsibility that comes with their use. According to her, the best and safest method for achieving and altered state of consciousness and a reaching a "higher" spiritual plain is the natural one - without drugs.

Josephine McCarthy (Magical Knowledge II), a well-known occultist and a quality writer on the subject of magic and the occult gives another important warning:
"In Western culture, using drugs to catapult yourself into the inner worlds is also not that bright, unless you know exactly what you are doing and where you are going. Really the only safe way to work in the inner worlds using drugs is if you are working within a cultural/religious structure that is designed for such use i.e. shamanic/native cultures. Hallucinogenic drugs strip a layer of protective skin from the consciousness and allow you to see and access places that you would normally be blocked from seeing (for your own good usually). When you go magically into vision, you develop inner `muscles' for want of a better description, that uphold and protect you as you work. If you bypass this natural but lengthy process of strengthening by using drugs, you are often thrown straight to the threshold of your existence."
The term "inner worlds" is of great importance for the book from which this quote was taken, but for now, it is enough to say that Patricia is essentially referring to introspection and once again an altered state of consciousness. By going into vision "magically", the author means achieving altered states of consciousness with the help of one's own will and strength, by controlling energy and with a clear, well-defined intention (all of which are preconditions for magical work). By using drugs, one completely devalues their own strength and control and in the process practically shoves them aside to make room for illusory strength and control which some drugs tend to give. It's also unnecessary to say that a large number of drugs can completely kill one's will (and sometimes even the ability to control) and that they can also blur intentions and reason thus putting that person in a passive, often helpless position.

Along with the danger of becoming physically and/or mentally addicted to a certain drug, experiencing something you're not ready for and, causally, negative emotional and spiritual (and often also physical) consequences, there is also the legal side of the story. Generally speaking, entheogens have a psychoactive effect (which means that they are chemical substances which alter brain functions and result in altered perceptions, moods and states of consciousness), and the larger part of psychoactive drugs are illegal in the world. Therefore, if a person takes an illegal substance or even if they only possess it and is caught with it by the authorities, they will bear legal consequences for their actions.

Despite legal obstacles, some people still choose to use drugs for spiritual purposes (albeit the wiser ones choose those drugs that don't cause any form of addiction). Some do so in rituals, while others do so outside of any formal spiritual practice. This is less important though since the goal remains the same, which means that we're not dealing with "ordinary" drugs but rather with entheogens.

Entheogens in Pagan Practice

Josephine McCarthy and Patricia Crowther are though of as reputable authors among Pagans and largely reflect the general Pagan stance towards drug use. Still, some Pagans, magi, occultists do not share their opinions and believe that using drugs can only improve their spiritual practices.

For some, Aleister Crowley will be the first name that pops into their heads as he experimented with many drugs both recreationally and as a part of his magical and spiritual practices. On the list of drugs he used, one can find cocaine, hashish, peyote, heroin and others. It is a well-known fact that he was addicted to heroine which was originally given to him as a cure for his asthma (which was customary during that time), although this does not change the fact that he later used it as an entheogen.

It is obvious that Pagans, magi and occultists who use entheogens do exist. Dana D. Eilers nicely explains this side of the story in her book The Practical Pagan:
"...be aware that in the traditions that encompass the ritual use of illegal drugs for purposes of magick or the expansion of consciousness, the rules and expectations regarding that drug use are usually fairly precise and well established. This means that for Pagans who do utilize drugs in a ritualistic, magickal, or ceremonial fashion, their drug usage is not merely a matter of recreation and escapism. For these Pagans, ritualistic drug use is a true path to enlightenment, much as the use of peyote is to certain Native American spiritual traditions. Let me stress that Paganism is not an excuse to engage in illegal activity and then claim protection under the First Amendment. It does not work that way, and the quicker we all understand that, the better off we will be."
There is no rule in Paganism, at least not that I know of, that strictly forbids the use of entheogens. This is partly why opinions on this subject are split. Some Pagans will be certain enough of their ability of self-control and control in general and will allow themselves to use psychoactive drugs while others will take on the opinion that they don't need such things to achieve an altered state of consciousness or that they simply don't want to use drugs for such purposes. Please keep in mind that by saying all of this, I do not imply that those that choose to use entheogens are not able to achieve an altered state of consciousness without them. I personally believe that certain cultures and spiritual practices are suitable for the use of entheogens and that in such cultures, this has become so customary that it has become rooted in their tradition. Neopaganism is still quite a new spiritual practice (if one temporarily disregards its roots) and as such, it has yet to develop its own tradition. Neopagans can be eclectic in some aspects and can accept influences from this or that spiritual practice of which the use of entheogens is an integral part. But I believe that this cannot be called a Pagan practice, at least not yet. Though only time will tell if this will become a Pagan practice or not.

For the conclusion, I would like to quote Iolar. In his book Paganizam u teoriji i praksi: Doktrina paganizma (Paganism in Theory and Practice: the Doctrine of Paganism), he sums up this debate in the following paragraphs (my translation):

"It is from Shamanic practices that the practice of ritual use of psychoactive (or psychotropic) substances comes from. These substances are wrongfully called drugs in this modern age of prohibition and conspiracy. The point of taking such substances isn't pointless drug abuse or creating addictions. On the contrary, the point is connection with spiritual dimensions. Certain substances simply change a person's state of consciousness and can therefore be used for spiritual purposes, but only if one knows exactly which substances one can use, in what way and what quantity. Among millions of plant species, Shamans knew precisely what plants affected peoples' consciousness in what way and how much of them one can take. Whenever someone would ask them how they know this exact information, the Shamans would answer: Well the plants told us. What we are dealing with here are extremely powerful spiritual traditions which one cannot simply engage in, but which one has to be devoted to. In many countries, such substances are illegal so this has to be taken into consideration. 
We have already mentioned that the World Pagan Circle accepts only the use of psychedelic substances such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) from marihuana or hashish (which are in turn retrieved from hemp), psilocybin, ibogaine, dimethyltryptamine (DMT), mescaline, LSD, antropine, salvinorin and the like. Therefore, under no circumstances do we allow the use of strong, narcotic drugs such as depressants (e.g. alcohol, heroine, morphine, opium), antipsychotics or any kinds of stimuli which don't aid in the process of widening consciousness and cognition (such as cocaine or amphetamines). 
Taking psychoactive substances is not essential for achieving a trance state! In fact, most contemporary Pagan authors believe that the outcome is much fore effective if we achieve a trance state with the use of our own will and abilities. We are then sure that we have everything under control, which doesn't necessarily have to be the case with psychoactive substances. Still, this option does exist, but it is better to have quality spiritual guidance for this..." 
In the end, you alone decide how you will practice your spirituality. In Paganism, there is a lack of strict rules for many things (and this is precisely what attracts many people to this path in the first place) including the ritual use of drugs. Yet it is because of this lack of rules that individuals are urged to take responsibility for their own actions, to become active participants in their own lives and to grow as people. You can deduct my opinion on the subject from this post, although this is less important as you will come to your own decisions in the end. All I can do is ask that you take into consideration the aforementioned warnings before coming to a decision and that you act consciously (knowing how, why and how much) and responsibly.

Until next time. Yours,
Witch's Cat